The Mysterious, Smart Secretary Of The Treasury

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A Summer's Tale by Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton is an intelligent Secretary of the Treasury from grand New York City. He leads a carefree life. However, all that changes when Alexander books a summer holiday to rural Amsterdam.

At first, Alexander finds Amsterdam very old-fashioned. Then there's the mysterious, smart general, John Laurens, who makes him feel uncomfortable.

When John invites him on a gyrating expedition, Alexander begins to realize that John is a deeply modest and delightful man.

Alexander knows in his heart that John is the man for him. However, to secure his happiness, Alexander must fend off the helpful housekeeper, Martha Manning, who wants to get her claws into John.

Using her killer trousers and a mutual love of food, Alexander sets out to snare John once and for all. But will the smart Secratary of the Treausurey return his affections?

Auto Praise for The Mysterious, Smart Secretary Of The Treasury

"Sizzling hot. I wish a mysterious, smart Secretary of the Treasury would fall into my life."- The Daily Tale

"The dullest summer story ever written. How would killer trousers and a mutual love of food attract anybody?"- Enid Kibbler

"I'm going to rush out and book a gyrating expedition."- Hit the Spoof

"I once went to 'rural' Amsterdam on holiday but I didn't find it old-fashioned."- Zob Gloop

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