Bow Down to Me

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I'm not 100% sure if that Is that the best way to start this? Would Once Upon a Time be better? How about "in a camp in a woods there lived a demigod?"? Or what about "I didn't want to be a halfblood?" I suppose not, this isn't a fairytale after all. Nor is it a story about a hobbit. No this is simply a story about a boy and a girl. Granted a lot happens to the boy and the girl over the years, but at the basics this is a story of romance between a boy and a girl.

It's also a long story. Like a really long story. So let's start at the beginning and I'll tell you the story of the Angel of Time....

Hansard Grey POV

Panting I sprinted through the woods, my best friend Luke Jace dragging me showing me the way to go. I can barely breathe as I see shadows moving through the forests after me and Luke, there were voices originating from these shadows, only whispers but they were just audible. They seemed to be repeating one phrase, over and over again, "Chaos will descend". But instead of worrying about this I decided to continue running for my life.

As me and Luke continued sprinting, I could see torch light just ahead. I could hear singing and could smell a campfire. All this brought back memories of me and my mum on camping trips which my stepfather had dragged us out on, even if we were a bit reluctant at first, we always agreed to go and always ended up enjoying ourselves. As I was dwelling on these memories, I didn't notice the tree in front of me, and ended up just smashing into it, knocking me onto the floor and sending black spots of dizziness into my vision. When I looked up, I could just about make out the shape of Luke shouting for me to get up. But before I could reply a huge shadow knocked him out of my view. Looking around I could see the shadows surrounding me, blocking me out from the rest of the world. I kept thinking to myself, "is this it? After all I've been through is this where I finally die?". Just as I was about to accept my death, every shadow around formed into a humanoid(ish) shape. Some had horns, some and tails, some even had wings. But that wasn't what confused me the most. What had me completely clueless, was that they were all bowing. All bowing to me

Line Break

Percy POV (Simultaneous to hansard's)

The sun had set on camp half blood, everyone was in the mess hall finishing up on dinner. There was an incredible amount of noise. There was the ares cabin who were (as usual) trying to pick fights with each other. There was the Hermes cabin pulling pranks on each other, with a few of them running round pickpocketing the other camper. One made the mistake of trying it on an ares camper, who noticed him and then proceeded to throw him over the room back to his table. Next there was the Hephaestus cabin who were designing little helicopters that would ascend around 5 feet, then catch fire and crash into the Aphrodite table where all of the girls were doing their make up and the lads were styling there hair. There was probably enough gel on that table to glue Kronos back together. Along from them were Athenas kid's, you could tell they were scheming from the glint in their stormy grey eyes. They were most likely planning strategy for Saturdays game of capture the flag. Among them was my beautiful girlfriend Annabeth, who flashed me a smile that said either "I love you", or "I'm going to crush you in battle". And honestly in my life I couldn't tell you which one it was. Next to the Athena table were the children of Dionysus, all drinking what seemed to be coke, but could've easily been rum and judging from the random cheers and slurred words, it most likely was rum. The Hunters of Artemis were also at camp as Artemis had been called up to Olympus on official business. The Hunters were currently engaged in an archery shot out with the Apollo cabin, which happened every time that they were here, and the Apollo cabins were having there asses handed to them. To annoy the Apollo cabin even more, the Demeter cabin was causing their food to grow flowers and also some nettles. Finally on the Zeus table, there was Jason, Nico and me. Just watching the campers and pissing ourselves with laughter. Even though we weren't children of Zeus, me and Nico were sat at his table because we were the only kids of the other two of the big three, and frankly we got bored.

All this noise ended however when Chiron stood up and whacked his hoof on the floor, startling the entire camp. After he had their attention he began to speak:

"Right now that there's finally some quiet, it's time for you all to head to the amphitheatre for campfire. Be quick now we don't have all day" Chiron then turned away and started heading towards the big house.

About ten minutes later, most of the camp had gathered at the campfire, and the Apollo cabin had begun the tunes. Some people joined in, but most people just let theirmind's wander (myself included). Suddenly, shouting could be heard from outside of camp borders. My instincts kicked in and I uncapped riptide and ran into the forest, most of the senior campers running after me.

When I got to the very edge of the border, I saw a satyr trying to reach a boy that looked about 16, but he was being forced back by he was thrown away by an invisible force. When I looked back towards the boy, I was shocked. Right down to my core. Because when the shadows cleared, he was surrounded by an army of monsters. All bowing to him. Frozen in shock I didn't even realise the boy was speaking to me.

In a quiet and and shaking voice, he said: "please, help me"


Right so this is my first time publishing, I've never reall done this before so pls don't be too harsh. I set this all before trials of Apollo because Rick hasn't finished writing it yet and there could be some massive plot twist like he did when percabeth fell into Tartarus. So i hope you enjoyed chapter one, if you did please leave a review, and if you'd like to see anything in particular let me know and I'll see if i can fit it in. I'm gonna try and upload a chapter a day, but if i can't I'll get it up as soon as i can. With GCSEs cancelled not much else I'm gonna be doing is there so i should be able to. So yeah hope you enjoy.


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