The Fates

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Hansard Pov

The three fates. Three old women who decide when everyone dies and how everyone dies. There's Clotho, the one who spins the loom of fate, Lachesis, the one who determines how long each life string, and Atropos, the one who cuts the string, ending the life. If i didn't know better i'd say that these three women had a vendetta against me. I was sure they had made my life a living hell and just sat wherever they reside with popcorn, laughing at my failures. However i completely changed my mind towards them when they saved me from Zeus' master bolt.

When I looked up, expecting to be in the deepest pits of hell, i was surprised to see i didn't have a scratch on me. Instead I saw three old hags in front of me with their arms raised in front of them, almost acting as a shield. Almost instantly everyone except me (who didn't have a clue what was happening) bowed down to them. Then Zeus spoke up:

"Lady Fates, all respects to you, but why are you here?"

"We are here to stop you making a grave mistake god of Lightning" all three fates replied in unison

"But you never intervene, you only watch from beyond the earth and Olympus" Posiedon interrupted

"Yes but a new threat is rising. A threat that threatens creation itself. and to counter this threat we need a new team of Heroes, a team more powerful than ever before" the fates answered

"what and this abomination is part of that team?" Zeus cried out. Obviously i wasn't to happy with being called an abomination, but the fates had already saved me once and i didn't want to push my luck by angering Lightning boy over there. so i just let it slide.

"Yes he shall lead this team. As a child of Kronos he has just as much power as all of the eldest gods. and we need power. We need heroes that the enemy will never expect, heroes that shouldn't even be possible. Apollo please call your oracle here as i believe she has something she needs to share with us" the fates said.

With a snap of apollo's fingers a red head was standing in front of the entire group. When the fates looked over to her and said "Speak" green mist surrounded the red head and she spoke with a voice that clearly wasn't her's:

"Five pantheons shall unite,

Impossible beings fight the endless night.

A hero lost, a hero gained,

ancient wrath shall be uncaged.

six heroes come forth to face our foes

and one sacrafice shall deal the fatal blow"

Once the red head had finished speaking, Annabeth ran towards her and caught her, almost like she knew what was going to happen. Then when Rachel was back on her feet Apollo stood up as straight as he could and said,

"Great, i believe we just received the next great prophecy"

"So are we gonna try and figure this prophecy out now, or later?" Athena asked,

"We have some other pressing matters right now, we will discuss the prophecy later" Poseidon began (Ignoring the glares from Zeus) "right now we need to discuss the whereabouts of my son"

When this had been said, Annabeth came forward and told the story of what happened.

The only thing i said to start with was:

"Are you sure he isn't dead?"

Nico then spoke up saying :"I would've felt it if he was dead. No he's still alive"

"Well then we're gonna need multiple rescue missions" i said " because thats exactly what happened to my sister five years ago. And if percy is still alive, then so is she. My sister is still alive."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter and it's up to a high standard. sorry it's a little shorter but it's late and i just wanted to get a chapter in today. Can any of you figure out the prophecy? Review and tell me what you think. As always keep safe out there squad.


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