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Hansard Pov

My sister is alive. I'm not alone anymore. The one person i relied on more than anyone is out there somewhere. I've got to find her. If I'm meant to lead this team (Without any training or leadership skills might i add) I'd rather do it with my sister by my side. The prophecy said six heroes so there's no reason there can't be more than one hero from each pantheon right? Surely they'll let her help me? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

The fates then interrupted my train of thoughts, saying,

"Yes she is still alive Hansard, but she wont be for much longer unless you find her. And in order to do that i do believe you need another prophecy" once they had said that everyone turned to the redhead (later i learnt her name was Rachael, so I'll call her that), who sighed and said,

"go on then" with a role of her eyes. Now I'm not really up to scratch on the whole prophecy thing, and rachael noticed this so told me to ask her what i needed to know. So i did,

"How do i save my sister?"

"Child of time lies in endless sleep,

Son of Posiedon holds the cage's key.

the titan's curse must again be endured

and one betrayal shall begin the final war"

All i got from that was that my sisters asleep. Great. so she's not gonna be any help yet is she. When I looked around the room everyone had a look of astonishment on their faces.

"Ugh what now" i complained. Annabeth looked scared, but Nico. Nico looked like he was about to tear down Olympus with his bear hands

"Years ago, me and Percy fought in the second titan war. One of the enemies we had to face in that time was Atlas" Annabeth started

"Yeah i know him, he's the one who you guys trapped under the sk... Oh crap. The titans curse" I realised

"right now percy is almost definitely under the sky again" Annabeth said

"If this is a quest to fight that son of a bitch Atlas then I'm on it" Nico roared then he stormed out of the throne room with Will running after him.

"Err whose actually going on this quest?" I asked, making everyone look at me as if I'd just asked how to open a door,

"Your leading it obviously (I'm sure Athena put extra emphasis on the word obviously) but the other two members are your choice" Athena said,

"I can't lead it, I've never even heard of these quests before today, i think Annabeth should lead it, she's definitely the best choice" I suggested

"I cant be on this quest at all" Annabeth began, shocking everyone in the room, "I'm too close to it, as soon as i see percy I'm just gonna see red and lose it."

"Very wise daughter, but you should at least help Hansard train a little before he goes" Athena ordered,

"Yes i will mother" Annabeth replied

Chiron then trotted to the middle of the room and said " It would be best to give the boy a few days at camp first, so he can train and choose who to take on the quest with him"

"There's not enough time", the fates interrupted, "He needs to set of by sunrise tomorrow. However it would be foolish to send him out unprepared, so if Ares and Athena bless him, it will give him the knowledge and skills required to survive, and I'm sure Hepheastus can create some armour for him by tomorrow morning."

After noticing the glare the fates were giving them, all three gods agreed to the plan. Hephaestus flashed out, and Ares and Athena stood up and twin beams of energy came and hit me in the chest and i instantly passed out. for the second time in an hour.


There's chapter 9 for you. Two prophecies in two chapters. I'm kinda happy about that. Next chapter there's more interaction with Megan, and Hansard chooses the three people to go with him.

as usual pls review and tell me what you think. Stay safe out there squad


*Edited, Prophecy updated.

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