Aftermath II - The Return of the Hero

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Suddenly there was a crying Annabeth running over to the returned hero. However as she caught up to Percy she ran straight through him. Both of them looked towards Hades with a pleading look in their eyes. Hades rolled his eyes, sighed and snapped his fingers. And instantly Percy seemed a lot more solid. Annabeth tested him out by prodding him in the chest, then out of nowhere she judo flipped him.

"Perseus Jackson" she screamed, "What was the one thing I told you to do"

"Come back alive" He said with a small pout.

"And what didn't you do" She yelled

"Come back alive" He frowned.

--Percy POV--

I looked around at the Olympians, all of them (even Hera) were smiling. I looked down at Annabeth who was now crying on my chest.

"Hey" I said "I'm here now"

"There's nothing we can do though, after all of this you're going back down there" She said

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'll never see you again. Once you've lived a long happy, healthy life, You're going to see me again. But I don't want to see you too soon. In fact you know what, have a fantastic life. Do that for me wise girl, have a fantastic life" I said

Then I stood up, pulling Annabeth up with me. For the first time I properly looked around the room. Almost everyone had tears in their eyes from seeing me. But one person caught my eye,

"Mom..." I said, and suddenly she was running towards me and pulled me into the biggest hug. It rivalled Tyson's.

"My baby...." She sobbed softly into my shoulder,

"I'm here mom, I'll always be with you. Even when I'm gone" I whispered to her,

"But.. your Uncle's just going to take you back to Elysium again" She told me

"That doesn't matter, because part of me will always be with you. Right in here.." I said pointing to her heart.

Suddenly I felt another pair of arms around us. I looked up and saw my dad,

"Hey dad" I told him,

"I am so proud of you" He said "I wish none of this had happened but I'm still so, so proud of you"

"None of this is your fault dad" I said "There's nothing you could've done to stop this, the prophecy was told centuries ago"

"But still if I had just hidden you away from everything until the pro..." He began before I interrupted him

"An hundreds or even thousands of people would've died by the hands of Kronos or Gaia. We saved those people. Don't take that away from us. Now I would like a word with the Olympians" I said walking towards the middle of the room,

"Okay I know I've already made three rather large requests. But I realise they were all selfless, as have all of my previous wishes. So just this once I'm going to ask something for myself, and you better fulfil it drama queen" I shouted

"Of course Perseus" He boomed

"Okay make that two wishes" I laughed

"Just get on with it Perseus" Artemis shouted,

"Right the first one is for the love of chaos. Don't. Call. Me. Perseus. Call me Percy please, I think I've earned that much from you" This set off everyone laughing

"I believe this is one thing we can all do" Zeus chuckled, "Now what is your second wish?"

"Protect my sister. After everything I've done, I have made a whole lot of enemies. Way more than most demigods have" This got some people to laugh "By now I'm sure the news has travelled around Tartarus that I'm finally dead, and once their done moping about how someone else managed to kill me first. There gonna be out looking for revenge" By now I had gone completely serious

"You all need to protect her. If anything ever happens to my mum and Paul, Artemis I want you to take her into the huntresses. But please do everything you can to protect her, that's all I ask of you" I finished

"We will grant your wish Percy. But this still isn't something selfish. Protecting someone you love. That's one of the most selfless things you can do. Is there anything else you wish?" Zeus boomed

"I'm happy. Whilst it's probably only been about a week for you lot, for me it's been around 15 years for me. I've been spending time with everyone, Michael, Lee, Silena, Beckendorf, Bianca...." I said with a quick glance over at Nico who had his hand covering his mouth, "...and Luke" Annabeth gasped besides me,

"He's there?" She asked me,

"Yeah, he made it. We've fixed all the stuff from the Titan War. He doesn't stop apologising though" I laughed

"Don't take me from there, as much as I miss you all.... I'm finally at peace. No great prophecies, no suicide quests. Just me and all the friends I lost" I begged. After all the time I'd spent down there, I was happy. The only thing I was missing was Annabeth, my family and new friends. I knew how this must've sounded to everyone, like I was choosing my old friends over my new ones. But by now they should know me well enough to know that that wasn't the case.

"Nico, Uncle Hades. If you ever need warriors. You know who to call" I said with a nod in there direction. They confirmed it with a small smile that obviously didn't belong on their faces right now.

"Guys you can all do this. I know I was there for the past two wars but I wont be for this one. But you never truly needed me. You guys have so many veterans of both wars that you won't need me. They were the ones who really got us through those wars. Clarisse, Stolls, Katie, Nico, Reyna, the remaining seven. You are all the Heroes of Olympus. You are all the saviours of the planet. You are the best people that have ever been produced by these morons. Show the new enemy that. Kick his ass for us. For all of the fallen warriors. Make us proud"

When I finished they were all starting to fade from view and I knew my time was nearly over.

"Make me proud"

and then everything went dark.....


Okay, one last chapter then we're done with the Lost Daughter of Time. I'll be clearing what I think needs clearing up in the next chapter. Let me know if there's anything you want me to clear up.

Stay Safe Squad


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