Aftermath I

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After the Funeral the crowd of people started trickling out. However two people came up to me. They introduced themselves as Carter and Sadie before carter said:

"Hey I heard this rumor about another great prophecy. I know two have already happened, but is this it? Is Percy's death the thing that starts the final war?"

"How did you know about the final war?" I asked,

"There's an ancient scroll in our Archives. They talk of a war. A war to end all wars. It's named the final war. It is said that it will be triggered by the death of the greatest hero to walk the earth. We didn't think it would come about in our lifetime, but this has made me unsure" He said

"What my idiot of a brother here is trying to ask you, Is what do you think Is about to happen" Sadie asked.

"Well first we have the rewards ceremony from the giant war. Then we're going to need to do something that most people would think is a bad idea. Our prophecy mentions 5 pantheons. We have representatives of four of them here.

We have us for the Greeks,

Camp Jupiter for the Romans,

You guys for the Egyptians,

and Annabeth's cousin for the Norse.

We need to get everyone into one room and discuss what's happening"

"That's risky, Horus agrees but we need to figure out how to keep the peace" Carter said

"Hold up Horus?" I asked not knowing what he meant

"Yeah my brother hosts horus whilst I host Isis" Sadie said, interrupting her brother.

"The terrorist group?" I asked now very confused.

"No you idiot the goddess" She laughed

"Okay so you've got the king of the Egyptian gods and I'm the brother of the king of the Greek and Romans" I said

"Hold up, brother of Zeus, what you talking about?" Sadie asked

"Oh yeah sorry I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Hansard Grey Son of Kronos" I answered her.

"The mad titan?" Carter asked,

"Yeah.... I'll explain why that's not a bad thing later" I chuckled

"Okay so you talk to Zeus, and I'll talk to the heads of the 21st Nome (A/N Is that right because I haven't read Kane chronicles in a while) " Carter said,

"Right. Do Iris messages work for you?" I asked

"No but If I give you my secret name, you will be able to contact me whenever you need" Carter said,

"Okay, I will contact you when I have arranged the meeting" I told him,

"see you then" Carter said before walking off

"I better make sure that he doesn't bore a random god" Sadie joked before she ran off after him.

Next I walked up to Magnus.

"Yo Magnus" I shouted

"Who.... Oh your that Hansard kid aren't you, the one that helped my cousin marry her true love" He said turning and walking towards me. "I appreciate that mate. She needed something that she can remember him by without it bringing too much harm to her"

"It was the least I could do, after all it was..." I began before a voice cut me off,

"If you're about to say it was your fault, I am going to throw you off of Olympus" my sister said as she walked over to me with Sally,

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