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"Hold up... your only about 3 years old then" Jensen shouted

"Yeah, basically my father helped percy on loads of his quests. He was his bestfriend (A/N I always hated how Grover was left out of HOO. I'm sorry but Grover was a goat (Pun intended) in the Pjo series. He had to put up w percy and Annabeth for 5 books before they were together. I think anyone who does that deserves praise. Sorry rant over) and like percy pleased many gods. One of those happened to be Hebe, goddess of youth. So when the giant war came around and more satyrs were needed to find Half Bloods, My dad decided that for the sake of the wild, he would pull in a favour with Hebe and she would age me so I could help him. Then thanks to the many times that my dad saved Annabeth, he got Athena herself to bless me with information so that I could skip the education that most satyrs go through. So basically he made me into the perfect demigod seeker" Luke explained.

"So you've just been used your entire life? You came out of your mom and suddenly you're fully grown and being blessed by Athena?" Meg said,

"Yeah I was born just after the Argo II set off to camp Jupiter to pick up uncle Percy, but I haven't just been used. I got to help save camp and my family, I wouldn't have changed that for anything" Luke answered.

"Okay but still he used you. It's all anyone ever does, the gods, the older campers everyone! All because either we're not powerful enough or not beautiful enough or we didn't fight in the first two wars. Why the hell should we be used as pawns when we don't deserve it, how can you be okay with it?" Megan screamed.

Third Person POV

Whilst she was screaming at them a dark aura had began to surround her, her eyes went from the beautiful green they normally were to pure black (A/N Imagine demons from supernatural) everyone slowly drew their weapons, turning them and aiming them at Megan. Gone was the shy Aphrodite girl who didn't seem to inherit any power, and now stood in front of the three half bloods and a titan was a woman who was giving off so much power that they unconsciously took a step back. All of them except for Hansard. He stood his ground. Looking at the woman he believed he loved he took a step forward, resting a hand on her shoulder. He expected her to calm down from his touch, like lovers always did in films and books. But this wasn't that kind of book. Instead of calming her down Hansard's touch seemed to anger her even more. Suddenly without warning she exploded, sending the whole group flying away from her. When they looked back at the spot she once stood in, all they saw was a scorch mark where she once was.

Line Break

Percy POV


That was all I could feel.

I'd lost the ability to actually tell what was hurting hours ago, now it just felt like my whole body was burning. As I looked around the barren mountain top where the ruins of Mt. Othrys (SP?) once stood, all I could think was that maybe I deserved this. All the people that had died because of me, Zoe, Bianca, Beckendorf, Luke, Ethan, Castor, Lee, Michael, Silena, Bob, Damasen (A/N Let me know if I missed anyone crucial). All of them. I failed all of them. And maybe this was my penance. Maybe this is how I make it up to all of them. How I apologise to them for failing and getting them killed. Everyone else told me that it wasn't my fault, That they chose to sacrifice themselves or that I couldn't have done anything. But still I blamed myself. I still have some of the scars that weren't given by monsters. The scars that I gave myself after the Final battle of the titan war. The scars I deserved.

Hansard POV

What. The. Fuck. What the bloody hell just happened. Meg was gone. In her place was a scorch mark. For some reason she blew up about Luke growing up quickly, and then that display of power. I didn't feel that much power from Hyperion, I don't know how she has that much power. No child of a god has that much power. So judging the evidence I have, I'd have to say that she was something else. Not the daughter of Aphrodite, but someone else. Something we've never seen before. And I don't know whether something took her or whether she left. Nothing makes sense right now. I thought she was going to be the one solid, constant factor in my life. But now I know nothing. It feels like my whole life is crashing down around me. And I don't know what to do.

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