Aftermath III - The Multiverse

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A/N I'm going to be setting up the series in this book. It will be Important bits as I have plans for all of them. This is going to be the chapter that will set up everything to come.

--Hansard POV--

When Percy finally faded from the world of the living, fresh tears fell down their faces.

"I believe there is one way we can honour Percy's wish. young." Zeus paused, not knowing the name of the newest Blofis,

"Estelle, Lord Zeus" Paul said,

"In order to protect Estelle, she should be blessed by the council" He announced. This shocked everyone in the room. No one thought that Zeus would allow someone to have that much power.

"Father are you sure?" Athena asked "You are never one to give someone so much power so soon"

"Like I said earlier, Percy was right about me not being a good king. You all deserve better. Which is why I am trying to be better. And to start with I ask the council, who will bless the sister of Percy Jackson?"

The entire council raised their hands. Most of them even turned into their Roman form as well, Percy having pleased them as well.

"Well then, I Zeus bless Estelle Blofis on behalf of all the Greek Olympian council..." Then he reverted to his roman form and said "I Jupiter bless Estelle Blofis on behalf of all the Roman Olympian council"

Estelle then glowed for a second, she tried to swat it away with her hands, before It faded.

"Right onto the next bit of business" He announced "Heroes step forward"

All the demigods stood forward, with Annabeth and the seven in the lead. They all knelt.

"Rise" He thundered "After all you have done, we will grant every camper partial Immortality, similar to the huntresses, as soon as they step into camp. As much as I would like to say this is for your good, there are benefits for everyone as well. With the latest great prophecy already coming to pass, we need an army like never before. The huntresses and satyrs will all go out, along with Lupa's pack, to locate more demigod's. But, when this war is over, the Immortality will remain. For your own benefit."

When he finished. All the Olympians raised one of their hands. A golden glow, similar to the one that Estelle received, enveloped all the assembled demigods.

"Now would the six of the prophecy, Nico Di Angelo and Reyna Arenallo step forward" They all did.

"Firstly, my son Jason Grace. We offer you full immortality, and a place as my Lieutenant for eternity."

Jason looked over to Piper, hesitation obvious in his eyes.

"Miss Mclean and the rest of the group will all be othered the same deal" He said with a smirk at his son's actions.

"Then I accept father" He said making everyone smile, Zeus summoned his master bolt and aimed it at Jason before a beam of golden light fired at him and struck him.

"All hail Jason Grace God of heroes and minor god of lightning" Jason now stood taller and more muscular.

"Next Piper Mclean" He shouted, before Aphrodite took over

"My daughter. I offer you full immortality as well as a place as my lieutenant"

"I accept mother" She said beaming at Jason

Similar to Zeus Aphrodite fired a beam at Piper, but hers was bright pink.

"All hail Piper Mclean Goddess of Family Love and Natural Beauty" Piper stood up and all the boys in the room, including some gods and girls gazed longingly at her. Jason moved closer towards her, putting an arm around her waist as a sign to say that she was taken.

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