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Jensen Pov 

Somethings wrong. I can feel it. There's something that's just ever so slightly off with this mission. Hansard comes to camp for one day and he already has a girlfriend he's never met before and  saying he loves her more than anything, the fates say that he has a greater purpose. Don't get me wrong I've known Han for years and trust him with my life. His girlfriend on the other hand? I'm not so sure. There's something off about her that I just can't place. Just this gut feeling not to trust her. But, if Han trusts her I'll go with it even if I have to keep an eye on her. I still wanna talk to someone about her, Han won't listen he's too whipped. Luke on the other hand? He's good,
"Hey Luke wait up mate" I said running to catch up to him in one of the corridors of the ship.
"Oh hey Jensen what's up?" He asked,

"I need to talk to you, somewhere private" I whispered to him whilst glancing around to check that Megan and Hansard aren't anywhere nearby. He nodded and then I dragged him into my room which was luckily soundproofed,

"What do you think about Megan?" I immediately asked him

"Something feels off about her. I don't know what but I'm just getting this uneasy feeling about her. It's almost like she's wrong. Like she doesn't belong." Luke said, I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding and responded,

"Thank the gods I think the same, I don't trust her. she seems to perfect for Hansard. Almost like she was designed for him." I said

"We can't do anything though" Luke said, "Hansard needs her right now. we need her to keep him stable"

"You heard the prophecy though" I said raising my voice slightly, "we're gonna be betrayed by someone. If it's her Hansard is going to fall into a pit deeper than Tartarus. His mind."

"Then we make sure his sister is able to keep him out of it. We make sure we wake her up otherwise we will lose him" Luke replied,

"No he needs to know. Or at least know part of it. He doesn't have to know everything, but we need to at least let him know our suspicions" I said and walked out before he could argue.

--------Line Break---------

"Hey Han can we have a word please?" I asked running up to him,

"Yeah sure whats up bro?" He asked. I noticed he was thinking as he looked angry. He always looked angry when he concentrates. We laugh cause he can't control his facial expressions,

"I need to talk to you about Meg" I said

"Great what about her" He said with a role of his eyes. I decided to ignore it for now.

"Wedon'ttrustheranddon'tthinkyoushouldeither" I said to quickly for him to acknowledge what I said,

"Say that again, slowly" He said

"We don't trust her and don't think you should either" I repeated slower and the I leaned away expecting him to lash out. Instead he just sighed, walked up to the window and looked out of it.

"I know" He said

"Look I'm sorry bu- Wait what?" I said not realising what he said,

"I know" He repeated " When we were up on the deck earlier she was stressed so I tried calming her down. All I can say is that she was cold. she was nothing like how she is at camp. It was like sshe was a completely different person, and now all I can think about is the last line of the prophecy and what it means" He finished sitting down in the chair and running his hands through his hair.

"Bro you need to remember though. Whatever happens you still have me and Luke" I tried to reassure him,

"I know and thank you but I just thought that maybe just this once I'd found someone who was actually happy with me. Someone I could love. I've not felt it since my mum died Jen. I just know one thing now" He said,

"What's that?" I asked.

"I need my sister back" He said.

(I was contemplating ending it here but I decided it was too short-HG)

Hansard POV

I don't know what to do. Ever since the last line of the prophecy was announced I kept thinking about it. Who will betray us? What war is starting? I used to think that the one person I could trust was Meg. but after the incident on the deck I don't know. There's only one thing I know for definite. I'm getting my sister back. No matter what. I swear it on the styx.


There you go guys. I'm pretty sure it's chapter 16. I hope you enjoyed it. So I was doing some planning for this and the rest of the series. I reckon each book will be 20-25 chapters and so far I've got about 5 books lined up on the main plot, and 6 on a sub plot that I'm working on. At the end of this Book I'll announce what the sub plot is. Lemme just say this. It involves the Multiverse....

Pls comment what you think and as always, stay safe out there squad.


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