You are the Love of my Life

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I stood there with my jaw hanging open. As did everybody else.

"How can I control it?" I immediately demanded,

"Well everyone heard what fish breath said right?" Leo began, there were Nods all round, "Well seeing as you have the power's of Posiedon and Zeus, you can control ships in the air and in the sea"

"Oh yeah Percy did that in the Sea of Monsters" Annabeth said,

"But what happens when I need to rest? Won't the ship just fall into the sea or stop moving?" I asked,

"Oh that's where my backup plan comes in. Because Festus is now full bodied again, I needed a new figurehead. So I built a replica of Festus with all the same gear as last time, except now it's called Charoúmenos (Ka-ru-mi-nos). This means you have auto pilot for when Hansard can't drive"

"Seriously Leo. firstly Festus, which is latin for happy, and Now Charoúmenos, which is greek for happy. You have no originality do you" Annabeth laughed

"Cmon Charoúmenos the dragon is very intimidating, as long as you don't know what it means" Leo replied whilst smirking.

" Right so the rooms all automatically adjust to what you  would want them to be like, Luckily you aint got Coach hedge with you so you can stay in each other's if you want" Leo said with a wink in mine and Megan's direction. We both blushed, even more than Annabeth had earlier.

"Leo this is honestly perfect" I said "Thanks bro"

"No problemo homieo" He replied. But then his face turned serious "Bring him back Han, please bring our brother back".

And with that we left bunker 9.

Line Break

After we sorted the rest of the details out me and Megan returned to the Posiedon cabin along with Annabeth (WARNING CRINGE COMING UP!!), Me and Meg sat down on the bunk I'd decided to rest in. She leant her head on my shoulder. I looked down at her and smiled softly. She was the love of my life. I know I'd only known her for a couple of days now, but I knew that I would do anything to make her smile or keep her safe. I'd catch a grenade for her, throw my hand on a blad;e for her, I'd jump in front of a train for her. You know I'd do anything for her. So I leant down, lifted her chin up and kissed her softly. She however deepened the kiss making it more passionate. She pushed me back onto the bunk and put her hands on my abs under my shirt when we heard Annabeth clear her throat (This aint that kinda story you horny bastards :)).

"You know we gotta find somewhere more private" I laughed pushing my head into Meg's shoulder,

"You know now I know how everyone feels with me and Seaweed Brain" Annabeth replied, a bit of sadness in her voice, "I just wanted to let you know that you have bags prepacked for you waiting at Bunker 9 so that you can pick them up first thing tomorrow. Try and sleep well you have a long few days coming up"

"Thanks Annabeth, and don't worry. We'll bring him back" I said reassuring her,

"Thanks Grey. hopefully I'll see you after your quest. You too Smoak" Annabeth smiled at us after saying that and left.

Now it was just me and Megan left, and I knew that I needed to talk to her.

"Megan... We're not going to fast are we?" I said almost instantly regretting asking the question,

"No I don't think we are" Meg replied " I didnt't tell you this but my Mom visited earlier"

"Oh god" I replied the colour draining out of my face "Does she have something to do with us?"

"Oh gods no" Megan replied, "No she just explained why we knew so quickly that we loved each other"

Now I know what your thinking. We pet under 48 hours ago and she already admits she loves me? Most lads would be gone before you could finish that sentence. But with Megan I didn't. I just knew I loved her as well.

"What did she say?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me,

"She said that we were true soulmates" Megan began, she then explained everything to me, from how Percy and Annabeth are true soulmates, to how Aphrodite helped her pick an outfit that is attractive to me.

"Wow" I said when she had finished "That's a lot of information"

"Is it too much? Have I ruined this?" Megan said beginning to ramble

"No, no, no" I replied " This just proves we aren't rushing this. It proves you and me are meant to be."

She smiled and leaned up to kiss me again. Before it got too heated I broke it and said,

"Look Meg, if anything happens to me on this quest I.."

"No no don't talk like that" Meg Interrupted

"Okay. Just know that even though we barely know each other. You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours, forever."

I finished before lightly kissing her lips. Then it became more and more heated until we pulled apart and (Still not that kinda story u pervs :) ) Held each other until we fell into a dreamless sleep. Not knowing the dangers, problems and loss we would experience over the next week...


Okay next chapter they're going on the quest. Hope you're enjoying this so far and that it's at a good standard. As you can probably tell I like dropping references in, my mate once called me a walking gif :). Guess I gotta live up to the name.

As always pls review and lemme know what you think. And also Stay Safe Squad.


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