Then I Found out Why

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Hansard Pov

What was my last thought before Zeus fired his master bolt t me i hear you ask. A few went through my mind but the most prominent one was: "Damn I'm gonna die hungry". Not the best thing to say i know but i was hungry okay. So yeh Zeus saw the sign above my head and then in one fluid motion pulled up his master bolt and fired it straight at me. You wanna know what the weir thing was? Other than my last thought? It didn't hurt. I just stood there whilst the most powerful weapon on Olympus was fired at me, and it didn't even sting.

Then i found out why...

Annabeth Pov (Just after Hansard finished his rant)

That little shit, if i had been thinking straight the first thing I would've done is run up and hug him and never let him go. He lost his sister and his mother? All i could think is that this is the same story of Thalia except Hansard never had me and Luke. However because Percy had disappeared i was a wreck anyway, but then he went and compared himself to my boyfriend? My boyfriend that went through Tartarus with me and endured the curses of every monster he had ever killed, that has been willing to sacrifice his life for mine hundreds of times, and has nearly done it. How dare DARE HE! So i unsheathed my dagger and i lunged at him. There was one rather large problem though. As i lunged at him i started to feel like i was moving through jello. There was only one other time I'd felt like this. When i was helping Percy fight Kronos in the throne room. Time was literally slowing down, and Hansard could move through it. He then grabbed Luke's old sword Backbiter that also doubled as Kronos' scythe, which we'd split into two aspects. The mortal and immortal blades. And he proceeded to fuse them back together. When time unfroze and Hansard had the scythe to my throat, and my first thought was:"Crap Kronos has a new host" but when Mr D flashed us to Olympus and the symbol appeared over his head, i knew that it was much much worse. He wasn't Kronos. He was his son.

When all the other gods realised this they gasped, and Zeus didn't hesitate. He just grabbed the biggest baddest weapon on Olympus and fired it at Hansard.

For some reason it didn't affect him..

Then I found out why...

Nico Pov

Crap Crap Crap, holy fuck this is bad. First off Annabeth nearly kills Hansard, then Hansard nearly kills Annabeth. Then we find out that Hansard is a child of Kronos, therefore a sibling to the big three and also someone who should have immense power. Then to top it all of after Mr D had teleported us to Olympus, Zeus goes and fires his frickin master bolt at a 16 year old kid. How did this all happen in the space of 5 minutes? You wanna know what the worst thing was? Hansard just shrugged off Zeus' master bolt like it was a waster pistol. How the hell did he do that? Why the fuckdidn't it work. God i wish Will was here so i could lean into him and forget all about this. Then once the dust cleared I saw Hansard standing there unscathed

Then I found out why...


Sorry that's not my best chapter but at the same time i kind've liked it. Don't worry next chapter you'll find out why Zeus' big toy didn't work. But you'll have to wait till tomorrow for that information. Anyways hope you're enjoying this and peace out until next time


PS pls review and tell me what you think i could rly do with opinions right about now.

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