Setting off

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A/N I'm mostly gonna do Hansard Pov so it'll only change when it's identified. If it starts off with no indication it's just hansard's

I woke up to a banging on the cabin door. I looked down to see brown hair sprawled across my chest. I realised it was Megan, and softly kissed her on her head to wake her up.

"Meg, wake up babe" I said

"Babe? really?" Meg replied

"I thought it'd be cute" I told her shrugging my shoulders as I did,

"I don't do pet names like that" she began "However straight up nicknames like timelord. That's perfect"

"Alright beauty queen (I know Leo uses it for piper but do you know how hard it is to come up with nicknames for Aphrodite kids that haven't already been used? If you can think of any goodens lemme know in the comments) I can work with that" I said smirking at her,

Suddenly the banging on the door continued and I heard Jensen call from the other side,

"Oi Hansard cmon we gotta get to bunker nine to set off. Leo left a note for us telling us exactly what to do"

"Alright we'll be there in 5 mins" I shouted back,

"We?" Jensen called out,

"Yes we Jensen" Meg answered. We heard Jensen sigh outside before calling back,

"If this is what we're going to have to put up with I'm getting hedge", we then heard him run off, presumably to Bunker 9.

Line break

Percy Pov

"What the hell are you playing at atlas" I just about managed to get out, "How are you free from your curse again"

I then heard the booming voice. exactly the same as I heard years ago. Except this time it almost sounded slightly softer and like he had regret in it,

"I'm sorry perseus. If I had any other choice I wouldn't force you to do this. But a higher power has forced my hand. You need to understand that none of us ever wanted any of this. We just never had a choice"

I almost fainted from those words because it sounded like Atlas was trying to be what? Remorseful? regretful? No. he was trying to be kind.....

(Was gonna end this here but it would be too short)

Hansard Pov

We all grouped up at Bunker 9. Megan and Luke looked really well rested, Jensen on the other hand, looked like he was up all night, I decided to ask him about that later.

"So we're all here with our stuff I guess we should head up onto the Argo III" I said,

"Good shout mate" Luke said, his words dripping with sarcasm, "Not like we need the transportation or anything"

"You know what I mean dickhead" I said rolling my eyes

"Cmon boys stop arguing we need to get going" Megan interrupted, "Lets get onboard and set off."

With Megan ending the argument before it could properly evolve, we climbed onboard and almost instantly I knew what I had to do. I said the word "Mizzenmast" (A/N Originally I had this as the wrong word here, so I've gone back and changed it. I realised when I was writing a future chapter in my other book, if you read it you'll realise when) and I felt my connection with the ship. I decided to test it out, so after the doors opened I willed the ship forward. The Argo III immediately started slowly moving forward. I then decided to just go for it and imagined the ship moving faster and rising into the air.

As soon as we were fully airborne, Luke and Jensen went off to fully explore the ship leaving just me and Meg alone. She was currently towards the front of the ship looking out towards the sun rise, so I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, whilst at the same time resting my head on her shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her,

"Nothing it doesn't matter" She said, way too quickly

"You sure?" I said back

"Yeah I'm fine" she replied.

"You know you can always tell me whats on your mind" I said.

"Nothings on my mind Han just leave it be!" she snapped

"Okay okay..." I replied cautiously, unsure why she got angry.

"I just need a minute to myself Han, sorry" she said as she ran away. and for the first time, I began to doubt Aphrodite's words....


Sorry its been so long I got wrapped up in work and results day and everything. But I'm back now. The only thing is College starts a week on Monday so I'll probably only update on weekends. I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter its only really a filler up until the last part. Next chapter I'm gonna do Jensen's Pov. it might be released today depends how I'm feeling.

But for now stay safe squad,


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