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When I said that Hyperion immediately answered with an incredibly mature response,

"She started it" He yelled "When I sent you into your  mind she held me at sword point, saying I'd doomed the quest that now we could never get to percy"

"What? we'll easily get to percy he's literally a five minute walk from here what the hell are you on about Meg?" I said

"He's a titan, he shouldn't be trusted at all. We have no reason to believe anything he said is real" She replied

"That's not true. Everything he has told us has been true. There is a part of Kronos in me. Part of his consciousness has always been in me. Ever since I was born" I countered

"Ah I see he didn't tell you everything" Hyperion interjected

"What do you mean?" I asked
"Well you see nephew, when you were born, you weren't born mortal. You were born an immortal, a titan. Whilst Kronos did have you with a mortal woman, it wasn't an ordinary mortal. It was something we have never seen before. Something almost alien. This woman was over 1000 years old when she met your father. And there was something different about her genetically. Whilst she wasn't immortal, divine or even half divine, she had the ability to cheat death. To fix herself on the brink of dying" Hyperion said"

"Hang on my Mum was mortal, there's no way she was like that. I'd remember" I argued

"Think back Han. What do you actually remember about your Mum?" He replied in a calm manor. I tried to think about my mum, to picture her face. to imagine her smile, her voice. But I couldn't. Now that I properly thought about it I couldn't properly remember her.

"Why cant I remember her?" I asked worried

"Because you were very young when she died. you were only two" he answered

"But.. she only died a year ago" I replied.

"Yes you are correct. Think Hansard about all we have said. You were immortal, you were a titan, you Mum died when you were two, but that was only last year. Gods also age faster than humans so what does all that mean" He said like a professor trying to get a student to answer his question.

"No. That's not possible. I can't be!" I said as I realised what he was getting at

"I'm afraid you are my boy, you are only three years old. You were born an immortal and you aged very quickly"

"But I have memories, I remember everything from the last 16 years of my life" I countered

"No you have false memories given to you by the goddess hectate. see you were born during the second titan war, when Kronos possessed the body of Luke Castellan. At the time Hectate was on our side of the war so when Jackson defeated your father,  and when Kronos was killed by the Hermes boy, his final act was to turn you and your sister partially mortal. You kept your ichor but you were in fact mortal. Then you were given to your mother for two years so she could raise you. But unfortunately she was taken by some unknown force. That's when we got Hectate to edit your memories. to set up the events that have recently come to pass. We got her to make you a new life." Hyperion finished his tale and then sat down as if recalling the events was taxing for him.

"Hang on weren't you a maple tree in Manhattan when this happened" Luke asked

"At the start yes That sea spawn and blasted satyr turned me into a tree" Hyperion said, Luke looked angry when he mentioned the satyr but I dismissed it, " but when Kronos saved Hansard and his sister, he also saved all of us, he flashed us all to the arctic so we could go our own ways. Me and a couple of others went back to New York to find you and your sister Han, but I don't know what happened to the rest."

"Wait Luke you didn't fight in the war, how did you know he was a maple tree?" Jensen asked

"Wait why didn't you fight?" I interrupted

"Because like you I'm younger than I look. Most satyrs grow at a slower rate than humans, but for some reason I grew faster. I aged a lot quicker. I was born after the war, but we had to keep my identity secret. I guess if we're all answering questions and revealing secrets then it's time I finally revealed mine" Luke began "Let me re-introduce myself, My name is Luke Underwood, son of grover and juniper underwood, prince of the wild..."


There you go. Looking at this now I realise theres only actually one person reading this. Whoever you are thank you. Please tell me if you want me to continue this story cause honestly I don't know if its worth it for one person. But if you want me to ill carry it on. Please comment or I'm gonna stop writing this,

Stay safe


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