History Lesson from my Bright uncle

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As we were getting closer to San Francisco and Mt. Tam, we heard something squawking overhead. Assuming it was just Birds we elected to ignore it. we continued to ignore it until we were about half an hour away from our destination. Then they decided to dive bomb the ship. Hundreds of birdlike creatures descended from the sky, there were so many of them that it blocked out the sun. Immediately though we all sprang into action. I summoned Backbiter and my shield from Hades. Almost as if I wasn't in control of my own body I was slicing and stabbing any bird that came my way, suddenly I got an idea. If I can change my scythe into a sword surely I can turn it into something else? I pictured it turning into a whip and before my own eyes it turned into one. So I put my shield away and then to make life even more interesting I summoned my powers from zeus and electrified the whip. From then on I was a demon with it. I was a whirlwind destroying anything that came to close to me, Golden dust rained down all around me as I massacred the birds with my whip. I looked out of the corner of my eyes to see my three quest mates defending each other while I kept the rest of the birds off them. Before too long I realised all the birds were dead. Vaporised by my whip or by my friends weaponry. We decided to land for a quick brake to asses the damage to the ship. Luckily we remembered that thanks to Leo and Hazel the ship can manipulate the mist so that people don't come near it. After a quick inspection of the ship we realised that the only damage was a series of dents in the deck. Nothing too serious.

"What the hell were they?" I immediately demanded.

"they were stygian birds (I think that's what they're called. If not it's the creatures from the chariot race in sea of monsters) We're lucky we came out of that. They attacked camp a few years ago and were only defeated because of Percy and Annabeth" Luke says,

"Hang on a minute though, last time I faced Monsters they just bowed to me. why didn't they this time?" I asked,

"They probably realised that you aren't working for your dad" Meg said

"Ah right suppose that makes sense. I go on one quest to stop a titan and suddenly all monsters hate me" I said laughing, soon all of them were laughing as well

"Guys lets take a break quickly. We've been in the air for like 12 hours (No idea how long it acc takes) we need to stop and have a break" Luke said. We all agreed.

------Line break------

We were currently sat at a table in Mcdonalds eating, when a voice called out from behind us. "Hansard grey!" The menacing voice called. We turned around and stood before us was a large man wearing what looked like bright golden armour. And I don't mean the colour was bright I mean the armour was literally shining.

"Oh styx" Luke said "Tha- That's Hyperion" we all immediately grabbed our weapons when he said this, but strangely he just held up his hands and said,

"Look I'm not here to hurt you. Why would I ever hurt my king?" Hyperion said.

"Your king?" I asked

"Why yes. And by that I mean you of course Kronos" He said. instantly we were looking around for Kronos but couldn't see him. when we turned around and looked at Hyperion his eyes were glued on me,

"But Kronos isn't here" I argued

"Yes you are" He said. Then once again Meg had her weapons out. But pointed at me?

"Woah woah guys calm it whats with the weapons?" I asked. I was really starting to get confused.

"You're Kronos. You lied to us you sick bastard" Meg growled,

"Meg what?" I asked, the way she spoke to me was the way every one else had. And I realised then that we couldn't be soul mates or whatever she called us, because we couldn't trust each other.

"You heard me you monster. We don't trust you mad titan" she said again. I looked at Jensen and Luke. Unlike Meg they looked at me with a look of trust. Then Hyperion decided to speak again,

"He isn't Kronos himself, he just had Kronos' conscience in his head as well. It's like having two personalities except one is always in control and an speak to the other one"

"So he isn't Kronos?" Luke asked

"No he isn't but Kronos is him in a way" (Imagine firestorm except they can't separate) Hyperion said.

"So lemme get this straight.. All the titans listen to me now because I have my dad locked away somewhere in my head?"

"Exactly" he said

"But aren't you all evil? Don't you hate the Gods? Jensen asked

"It's complicated" Hyperion began "Basically when Kronos ate his kids, his mind was twisted by the prophecy. what we didn't realise was that he also wasn't In control. he was being manipulated by a much higher power. Because he was also King, he had a low level emotional link with all of us. This meant that because he was being forced to be evil, so were we. We never wanted to harm our family, we were willing to hand them the world and retire. Unfortunately fate had another plan. But now that Hansard is in control, his pure heart is allowing us to act as we once were. It's allowing us to be a family."

"So you're the good guys?" I asked

"Essentially yes" He said

"Okay, but you also said that I can speak to my dad. But I've never heard him before?" I said

"Yes we need to free him from the prison in your mind, but he will have to remain in your mind has he doesn't have the strength to acquire a physical form yet" He answered

"But how do we do that?" I asked

"Like this" then he put his finger to my head and I passed out. Again.


I've not got time for a proper not rn so I might edit it ltr

comment pls

Stay safe squad


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