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Piper Pov

To say there was an uproar when we told them what happened is an understatement. Leo set himself on fire by accident which caught Nico's jacket on fire, with the surprise of Percy disappearing as well as being on fire,Nico summoned a few skeletons without meaning to. Jensen went over to Dionysius and asked for a drink which Dionysius happily provided until his shirt caught fire as well from Nico, causing him to spill the drinks all over the place, including over Chiron's tail. Now as you probably know hair is flammable. Hair with alcohol on it as well. Well now that's going up in seconds. And it did. When Chiron saw his tail was on fire he immediately galloped over to the lake to put out the fire with a scream of "VALDEZ" thrown over his shoulder.

Once they'd calmed down and all the fires had been put out (with not a lot of help from me who just stood there laughing. I know i should be too worried about Percy to laugh but this was just too funny), Chiron announced a meeting of camp counsellors in half on hour. Then he picked Hansard up off the ground and galloped off to the infirmary.

Hansard Pov

As soon as I fainted the dreams started. But they were different this it's the memory of my sister dying, but today it was different. I saw the raven haired boy crouched under a pillar, from the looks of it his hair seemed to have a few more gray streeks as he was struggling under the pillar. But it was what was next to him that was surprising. Next to him lay my sister, fast asleep. She still looked exactly the same as when I last saw her. But this time she was alive. Too bad this is only a dream though. Suddenly i heard a voice call out behind me,

"Perseus Jackson once again you are in my grasp. How does it feel to bear my curse once more?" The voice announced

"You know.. just a ... walk in the park" he just about managed to get out. But you can tell from the strain in his voice that it wasn't

"Ha" boomed the voice "soon my cousin will be here and then there will be no need for you any more little half blood. Soon we'll be able to throw that no good goddess of the hunt back under there and i can finally have my revenge..." then it all faded to black.

Line Break

As i slowly opened my eyes i had to squint to see past the glaring sun.

"Ah finally, sleeping beauty awakes" A voice to my left called "Chiron asked me to keep on eye on you till you wake up, and that too tell you to go to the big house when you're awake, which you are now, so you need to go, once you've gotten up obviously. I'm gonna stop rambling now"

"Thanks , but who are you" I replied finally looking at the girl sat on my left

"Oh yeah sorry, I'm Megan Smoak, daughter of Aphrodite. But all my sisters laugh at me because i cant talk to boys and always end up rambling which i am now, which of didn't really need to know but I'm telling you anyways. Again I'm gonna shut up now." Megan answered

"I'm Hansard Grey, son of i don't know. Nice to meet you Miss Smoak"

"You too Mr Grey" she replied. Now that i can look at her i can see why she's a daughter of Aphrodite. She's Bloody beautiful. She had long brown hair that reached the middle of her shoulders, a cute, shy smile and gorgeous green eyes. I almost started drooling but managed to stop myself. She looked around the same age as me and was only a few inches shorter than me.

"Hey, HEY!" She said regaining my attention, "you alright there you space out for a while?"

"Sorry just got distracted" i replied blushing immensely at the fact that she'd caught me staring.

"No problem" she said tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear, "you need to go to Chiron now, he'll be waiting, but if you've got time later do you want me to give you a tour?"

"Yeah sure, sure I'd love that" i said with me being the one whose struggling to talk now, "That'd be brilliant". Slowly i backed away whilst still talking to her, not looking where i was going. Unfortunately this meant that i couldn't see the desk behind me. As i knocked every thing off it i thought to myself, great now she thinks you're an idiot. I quickly turned around and ran out shouting back that I'd come back and clean it up. What i didn't notice was the smile she was icing me the entire time. So thinking I'd screwed any chance of her ever talking to me again, i legged it to the Big House.

Line Break

I saw that there were now multiple people around the table now all of them shouting at each other. Why the hell did Chiron want me there as well? But i approached anyways clearing my throat to announce my presence. As soon as I did this every pair of eyes flashed to me. Annabeth turned and quietly asked Chiron (but not quietly enough seeing as i could still hear her)

"What the Hades is he doing here?"

"I asked Megan to send him here when he woke up, seeing as he was the one of the ones who saw the army and which monsters were there" Chiron calmly replied.

"Good shout, but you know what we need don't you?" Annabeth said "we need a quest"


There's chapter 5, i reckon ill be able to get another chapter or two in today, well see how it goes. I hope your enjoying it pls review and leave any ideas or criticism. Remember to stay safe out there people, its important for us all to work together to get out o it pandemic.


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