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Hansard POV

As I realised I wasn't being brutally killed by these monsters, I turned round to look at them all. There must've been an army of them. An entire army, and for some reason all of them bowing to me. Then I heard footsteps and shouting coming towards me, when i turned to face the direction it was coming from I saw a boy who must've been a couple years older than me with black windswept hair, and sea green eyes. So I did what any sensible person who was surrounded by an army of monsters would do. I asked for his help. It took all of my remaining strength to keep my voice steady and just about audible. He clearly heard me though because as soon as I said it he snapped into action, slaughtering all the monsters in my immediate vicinity. He was a machine, running in between monsters slashing and stabbing with what seemed to be a bronze sword. Normally you wouldn't have thought it would be much use, but this lad was using it so efficiently, that the monsters just disintegrated into gold dust. As i watched him in awe i didn't notice the other people that had come up behind me. Most of them joined in fighting, but a couple grabbed me and dragged me towards where Luke had gone. The two that had grabbed me were both girls who looked the same age as the black haired lad. One of them had blonde hair and stormy grey eyes, whilst the other one had chocolate brown hair, and eyes that seemed to change colour.

The brown haired one started speaking "Annabeth have you ever seen monsters do that before?"

"Nope nothing like that ever" the blonde, who I'm guessing was called Annabeth" replied "I have no idea why they did that"

"Can i get that on tape" brown hair said " it's not often we get to here you say it" she stated laughing at her own joke as they both lead me through the forest towards what looked like a summer camp.

"Seriously piper, you're making jokes now" Annabeth taunted back at the brown haired girl (Who I'm guessing is piper)

"Good point, we'll get him to Chiron and then I'll ask for that recording" she laughed

Once this conversation was over the two girls stopped an Annabeth turned to me, and then started what felt like an interrogation:

"Who are you then and how the hades did you make the monsters do that" she demanded

"First off i have no idea who the fuck you are so I'm not telling you my name, and secondly i have no idea what the hell just happened or what's happening now, because this should not be possible. I mean you started talking about Chiron whose a myth from about 3000 years ago, so even if he was real he'd be dead" i let all this loose as the stress of what had happened that day finally got to me

"Wow okay, calm down there. what my friend here was trying to say was that your safe now, those monsters can't hurt you in here. This is where people like us belong." Piper soothed, trying to calm me down. And for one reason it really worked. I felt like a spell was cast over me, calming me down.

"People like us?" I inquired, wondering what she meant,

"Demigods. We're demigods and apparently so are you." She answered

"Demigods? Aren't those from the old Greek myths, like Hercules and Achilles. Kids of gods and humans?" I replied

"Wow so you know your mythology I'm impressed" Annabeth said "and yes you're right we're all kids of the Olympian gods. They're all real, all the gods and the myths are real." With that said they both turned to look at me to see my reaction.

"Shit!" I exclaimed in shocked. The main problem for me here was that it all kind of made sense. The odd people who didn't quite seem like people, my dad disappearing before i was born, my mum panicking whenever there was a mild stom or earthquake or even just a jump scare in the house.

"So whose my dad then?" I asked

"We don't know yet" piper replied "you haven't been claimed by a god yet"

'Yay once again abandoned by my dickhead of a dad", after that comment both girls looked to the sky in fear, almost like they expected a lightning bolt to come out of the sky and strike me down.

"Not even thunder wow. God's musn't be paying attention" Annabeth stated

"Okay now that you know all that are you going to tell us your name?" Piper asked.

"Yeah, I'm Hansard Grey" i decided to tell them, seeing as they seemed to have answers to a lot of my questions,

"Hi Hansard we're.." she started but i interrupted her before she could finished,

"Piper and Annabeth I know"

"How the hades do you know that" Annabeth demanded

"I listened to you while we were running, you identified each other so i jut figured I'd go with that" i responded

"Smart kid" piper started "I'm guessing he's one of yours"

"Could be" Annabeth said

Not wanting to be left out of the conversation, i interrupted saying:

"So who are your Godly parents?"

"Mine is Aphrodite, Godess of love, and Annabeth's is Athena, Goddess of wisdom." Piper answered.

"so you think that I'm a son of Athena?" I asked the stormy eyed girl,

" Well yeah i did, up until you said it was your father that left" Annabeth replied.

"Abandoned not left" I quietly corrected her.


"I said he didn't leave, he fucking abandoned us!" I yelled finally losing my temper " before i was born he ditched me and my mom for no reason other than to lead the selfish life where he didn't give a fuck about me, my mom or my sister."

"Wait... Sister?" the daughter of Athena inquired

"yeah my twin, Lucy Grey. She died 5 months ago, killed by a monster" I replied shocking them. Suddenly I was ushered away from the forest and towards a farmhouse where two men sat. One was casually drinking from a wine glass, whilst the other was confined to a wheel chair.

As i approached it i heard a voice call my name out to the side "Hansard Grey you son of a bitch!"


Well there's chapter two for you, sorry it's so late i had alot on my plate and just completely forgot about all this. As you can tell Hansard has a pretty grim view of his dad, clearly not satisfied with the fact that he's a Greek god. I'm gonna try and update faster now, i might upload another chapter or two today, but we'll see how things go.

As always hope you enjoy. pls leave a review on any theories or things you'd like to see in it.


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