Ever feel the weight of the world on your shoulder's? Yeah me too. Literally

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Jensen POV

I watched helplessly as Percy fought Atlas. His legendary sword battering against Atlas' defence, as he showed why he was the best swordsman in the last 300 years. He seemed to flow like water itself, his movements were smooth and precise. As they were fighting I looked over towards Hansard who was just stood watching in awe. I realised then that Hansard had never actually seen a fight like this before. All his previous fights he'd just used the blessings he'd received from Ares and Athena to fight, so he tended to just go into autopilot. But seeing this fight I knew he'd want to learn how to fight like him, he wanted to be just as good as Percy. I was incredibly thankful towards Hestia who had clearly helped restore his hope so that he was able to fight Atlas, without Percy I don't know what we'd do. Even if the gods don't like to admit it, without him we'd all be long dead. Yet from the look in his eyes I could tell he disagreed. after everything he still believes its all his fault.

Percy POV

I felt great. I mean I know the situation I am currently in isn't the best, but after holding the sky for that long, it felt good to finally be free from the burden. I saw Jensen under the sky though and I knew that I had to be quick. As I continued my fight with Atlas, my sword clashing against his spear, I thought of a way I could end this quickly. Last time I was in this situation I had Zoe and Artemis with me. This time I was on my own. But I was also older, more experienced and more powerful. The only problem was that the closest source of water was the sea and that was too far away for me to use. I stretched out my senses looking for anything that could help, trying to sense the essence of the sea anywhere. I almost gave up looking until I felt a small tug in my gut. I looked towards the thing I sensed and saw Hansard's bracelet slightly glowing. I focused on it calling whatever held the sea to me. The trident charm on his bracelet came flying off, growing larger as it neared me. I pushed atlas away and lept back, capping riptide as I landed a few metres away. I then stretched out my hand and caught the trident. As I looked at it in more detail I felt power coming off it in waves. The golden weapon glowed in my hands and for me it felt just as natural if not more natural than riptide. I looked back at Atlas, and for the first time he looked scared. I gave my famous lopsided grin, and charged.

Hansard POV

As soon as Percy charged with the trident I knew Atlas was in trouble. However whilst they were fighting I noticed that we were no longer alone. All around us the same army of monsters from earlier were gathering around us. I knew that Percy would be too distracted by Atlas to help, Jensen was stuck under the sky, so in the end it was just me and Luke who could fight.

"Luke you know how to fight right?" I asked

"Yeah but I don't have my spear with me" He answered looking scared. 'This is almost too convenient' it thought to myself as I yanked the spear charm off of my bracelet and threw it over to Luke. The spear elongated as it flew threw the air and Luke caught it in his hands.

"This is where the fun begins" I laughed

"Really? right now?" He shouted at me

"Sorry I just love a good pop culture reference in a time of crisis" I yelled back

"Ugh why am I friends with you" he sighed

"You know you love me" I said making him chuckle. And with that, we charged the army of monsters.

Meg POV (Surprise :-)

I knew what I was meant to do. The one thing my father needed me to do so we can start the war. But I also knew that if I did this then there would be no coming back from it. There would be no forgiveness. No redemption. This would be the ultimate betrayal. Just like the prophecy said. One betrayal to start a war.

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