The Infirmary Again

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Megan Pov

Hansard had once again passed out and was again lying in front of me unconscious. He looked cute asleep, and I swear he was drooling (I couldn't resist alright, sue me). I don't know what it is about him, but he seemed... different from the rest. (I have no idea what I'm doing on this end of romance so pls don't be to harsh). He wasn't one of the boarish apes who kept coming by the Aphrodite cabin. He was nervous and seemed kind. Also he started rambling which made me laugh, because it's exactly what I do in situations like this. When he knocked over the table I couldn't help but smile at his nervous clumsiness. Then once he had left, I heard some sort of uproar from the big house. I ran out of the infirmary to see loads of things on fire (Including Nico, Leo, Chiron and Mr D) and Piper laughing so hard she was crying. So being the nosy girl I am, i snuck round and concealed myself in a bush near it trying to over hear the conversation they were having. I heard Hansard talk about his life and all the things he experienced and it made me want to cry. How can a boy who seems so laid back and relaxed, have been through that much pain. when Annabeth lunged at him I found myself about to launch at her to defend this boy that I barely knew. Why would I do that? Anyways, before I could, time seemed to slow down. Everyone looked like they were moving through jello, apart from Hansard. Hansard moved over to the casse where the hero's (Luke Castellian) sword was. he grabbed it and somehow turned it back into Kronos' Scythe and held it up to Annabeth, stopping her attack. Before i could try and intervene however they were flashed out by Dionysis.

So now here I'm sat with him again, watching him drool in his sleep. I wonder how many more times I'm gonna have to do this. As he sat up and opened his eyes, he groaned almost like he was in pain. I quickly rushed over to him to see if he was alright, grabbing his hand to reassure him. He looked over at me and smiled when he realized it was me, then he explained what had happened in the throne room. I just sat there staring at him throughout his whole explanation. About half way through i realized i was still holding his hand. I blushed realising he had also just left it there and didn't mind, or didn't notice, that he had. I knew i should probably take it out but it just felt so right that I didn't want to. So I just sat there, listening to him retell the events of what just happened. When he got to the part about his sister still being alive i saw tears starting to form in his eyes. I squeezed his hand causing him to look up at me. For the first time our eyes properly locked, i got lost in his multicolored eyes. And from the looks of things he lost all train of thought when he looked into mine. Without any thought I leaned towards him closing my eyes, I was extremely relieved to feel him moving in as well. And then i felt his lips on mine as he kissed me softly. After what could've only been a few seconds, but felt like an eternity i heard a voice say

"Well we're clearly interrupting something here aren't we Luke"

"Yes we are Jensen" Luke Jace said. Me and Hansard pulled away and both looked over to see Hansards best mates Luke and Jensen stood in the doorway laughing.

"How long have you been there?" Hansard asked,

"Basically since you woke up" Luke said whilst laughing "We were placing bets on how long it would take you two lovebirds to notice us. Jensen thought you would notice after a couple of minutes, but I knew you wouldn't notice us at all"

Hansard then looked back at me and said "We're never gonna hear the end of this" but he was smiling at me and had this look in his eyes that i would almost say is love. Jensen then told us that Chiron wanted us to show Hansard round the camp before his quest. We got up but i told Hansard to go ahead and that I'd catch up, I wanted to quickly clean myself up as I was in pretty crappy clothes, and if i wanted to impress Hansard I'd need to look nicer. But when i was about halfway to my cabin, there was a flash of light and i looked around not knowing where i was. "Hello daughter" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around and there stood my Mother. Aphrodite stood there with a grin on her face and her arms outstretched as if she was expecting a hug. I hesitantly walked over and embraced her before asking why I was here,

"Well my dear, I've asked you here because you seemed to have met your one true soulmate" My mother answered. at this my jaw dropped. She couldn't mean Hansard culd she? I've only just met him.

"Let me explain", She continued. "Every person in the universe has one true soulmate. A person who they are meant to be with. As soon as they meet they instantly fall in love with each other and will continue to be in love with them for the rest of their lives. There are only a few other couples in camp that are true soulmates. Percy and Annabeth, Nico and will, Leo and Calypso. They will always be together because they can never love anyone else. You and Hansard are now among that list. Oh I'm so happy for you I wish this for all my children"

I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. This made so much sense now that I thought about it. From the first time I saw Hansard lying there i felt something. I'm just glad that now I know he feels the same.

"Mom" I began "Can i ask a favour?"...

Hansard Pov

Oh my god. She kissed me. This is all i can think about as I'm walking with Luke and Jensen. Suddenly Jensen stops and snaps his fingers in front of my face,

"Yo Timelord, anyone home in there?" he said, I then just rolled my eyes and said,

"Timelord seriously? You couldn't come up with anything better than a species on Doctor Who?"

"God you two are such nerds" Luke interrupted

"So you think about Mrs Timelord" Jensen taunted, a look of pure mischeviousness on his face,

"She's not my wife you moron. I don't know what we are to be fair. I mean we kissed does that mean we're dating?" i asked

Jensen just shook his had and face palmed, "I'm afraid your gonna have to talk to her about that buddy. But take it from me, girls like Megan don't just randomly kiss you unless they like you"

before i could answer Luke interrupted us saying "Oi she's coming act cool"

However there was no way i could act cool because approaching us was Megan, but she'd cleaned up a bit. She now wore a black top with a leather jacket over the top, with skininy jeans and knee high brown boots on. She'd also tied her hair up in a ponytail. I must've had my mouth hanging open because Jensen elbowed me in the ribs to snap me out of the trance i was in.

Megan just smiled at me and, still in her shy way, said "Hey Timelord" smiling as she said it,

"Seriously you too" I complained and everyone laughed at that.

I could tell she was about to say something before we were all interrupted by a voice sceaming

"Hansard Grey!"...


Sorry it's been a while since i updated but i was struggling a bit with time. I know this chapter seems like it's a bit too soon but honestly I wanted to establish a sort of Percy-Annabeth-Grover friendship group whilst at the same time having it a little different. Who do you think the voice is at the end btw? As always leave a review and tell me what you think. I'll try and update soon. But for now peace out squad.


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