Authors Note Please Read Important

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I know i put alot of different facts and stuff in that last chapter, from the golden liquid to his mother and sister. Don't worry though i am planning on answering all these little bits in the future. I hope your enjoying the story so far, and pls pls review i want to know what you think. I might get round to one more chapter today, but i've been writing for nearly 3 hours straight today so well just have to see. Also i know i touched on the topic of suicide in that last chapter. I've seen it in a few other fanfictions and i just wanna make sure i do it properly yk. i dont want it to backfire i wanna do it justice and not screw it up. so pls if you think i have leave a review and i will go back and edit it out. Keep safe out there guys, keep well

-Hansard Grey

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