Into the Mind

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As I opened my eyes and looked round, I realised I was somewhere Impossible. It shouldn't have been possible. I was somehow, in the TARDIS.

"What the hell is going on here?" I said out loud. then there was a bright flash and before me stood Hyperion again.

"Hmmm interesting" He looks around and says "Your subconscious is represented as a TARDIS from that Doctor Who show"

"How do you know about the show?" I asked

"Just because I am an immortal being doesn't mean I can't watch TV" He replied, "Okay so if this is your subconscious we need to find where Kronos is. Any ideas?"

"I thought you knew what you were doing" I asked

"Hey I can get you here but it's your mind so you need to figure it out" He said

"Okay what am I looking for?" I asked

"look for something that's out of place. something that doesn't belong here" he answered

I looked around the console room looking for anything that was out of place. I couldn't see anything until I saw a scythe leaning against a bookshelf. I walked over to it, up the stairs and across the balcony. I picked it up and immediately felt it hum in response, like it was calling out to me.

"Of course it would be his scythe, he was always so proud of it" Hyperion said with a roll of his eyes "Okay now you've found the thing out of place you need to figure out what to do with it. You might need to fight something or find something or solve a riddle. Knowing my brother though you'll probably have to fight something"

"Oh yay" I said. I figured that if I had to fight something it wouldn't be in the console room. So I did the smart thing. I turned around and opened the doors and walked outside into a blinding white light.

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When the light subsided I looked around again and saw that I was in the quidditch arena from when it was converted into an arena in Goblet of fire,

"What is it with you and British TV" Hyperion said as he came from the doorway behind me

"Hey It's good stuff don't diss it" I said giving him a dirty look "So what do I have to fight?"

"Again look for something that's out of place" He said

"What like that giant scorpion" I said pointing at said scorpion

"Yes that would fit the description" He answered before backing off

"Thanks for the help" I said my words dripping with sarcasm

"Sorry but that Scythe is the only thing that can do anything in this world. Oh and by the way if you die here you're gonna go into a coma in real life. Got it? Great" and with that he was gone. So I turned to the scorpion and did the first thing that came into my mind. I charged it.

Immediately I swung at it's head but it blocked it with it's tail and then tried to stab me with the same tail. I rolled out the way and again let my instincts take over and slashed down behind me. I felt the scythe connect with something. When I came out of the roll and looked back at the scorpion I saw that I'd severed the end of it's tail. Smiling to myself I went on the offensive. I again swiped for the head but the scorpion managed to catch the scythe with its pincers and rip it from my grip. I started to panic but then I felt a warm breeze hit me and immediately calmed me down and filled me with hope. With this renewed hope I ran at the creature. Empty handed. I know what you're thinking. why the hell would you charge a great big scorpion with nothing but you're empty hands? I asked myself that question as I ran up to it. Just as it slashed at me I slid under it's pincer and grabbed the scythe that's right behind it. I managed to sever one of it's arms before the other hit me and threw me across the arena. I hit the wall and all the breath went out of me. I figured that this scorpion wasn't the brightest as it kept trying the same trick. so I figured if I could anger it enough to charge me. So being the genius I am, I started insulting the massive monster with insults such as "Pea brain" or "your mama so fat". Hey don't hold it against me, you try coming up with good insults in the middle of a battle. Luckily it had the desired affect and the monster charged. At the last minute I dived out of the way and watched the scorpion charge head first into the wall. Before it could recover I slashed in a wide arc, cutting it in half.

Suddenly I heard clapping behind me. I turned around and saw a man with sandy blond hair blue eyes and a scar that crossed his face.

"Well done my boy, it's clear you're my son by the way you handle that scythe. I couldn't have done it better my self" the man said

Of course I gave the smartest answer I could, "Eh"

There was a flash of light behind me indicating that Hyperion had returned

"Brother it is good to see you again" he said

"Same here Hyperion" the man said,

"Wait brother. that makes you my...."

"Yes son. I am your Father Kronos...."


There you go. another chapter. I might be able to get a fourth chapter up today. Lucky you guys hey :) Pls comment and tell me what you think so far. There's only about five chapters left now before I start the next book.

Stay safe squad


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