New Toys

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Hansard Pov

I turned around to see where the voice was coming from. When I located it i saw that the owner was none other than Mr Nico Diangelo.

"You better pick me to go on this quest grey" He said angrily "It's one that i have been waiting for since the day i arrived at camp. The chance to get back at that son of a bitch Atlas"

"Nico you know you cant for the same reason i cant" Annabeth said as she ran over to us after hearing the commotion, "You're far too close to this quest after what happened to Bianca"

"What so he gets to save his sister whereas i don't get to avenge mine? Thats not right Annabeth you should realise that" Nico argued

"Trust me Nico i want to get back at Atlas just as much as you do. After what he did to Zoe, we should both get the chance. Unfortunately our blind hatred towards him will only lead us to make mistakes. We cant do this. Hansard needs people he can rely on" Annabeth countered

"She's right Nico" we turned around to see will coming towards the group trying to calm Nico down, "You cant go on this quest"

"Fine, I wont go!" And with that Nico stormed off, Shadows raging around him.

"I'll go calm him down, you better prepare for your quest Han, I'm sure Annie will help you. Wont you Annie" Will said before quickly chasing after Nico.

"Sure I will" Annabeth began, "So I know you received blessings from both my Mom and Ares, but isn't Hephaestsus making you a set of armour?"

"yes" i replied "But i have no idea when it's getting to me, or how I'm going to get it"

"Well lets try where your meant to be staying. Where exactly are you going to be staying?" Megan piped up

"I don't actually know" I replied. Before anyone could intervene, the answer presented itself in the form of Posiedon appearing behind me. Suddenly everyone started to bow, myself included but Posiedon said:

"You do not bow to me my brother. You are almost as powerful as any of the big three" At this everyone looked shocked

"But how.. I'm not powerful at all. All i can do is move quicker than everyone" I said

"Thats the thing you can do so much more. After the meeting the fates came to me. They told me all about you and your sister. You both have the powers of Fathers original six children. Your sister has the powers of Hestia, Hera and Demeter. Granted they are not as powerful as me and our brothers it is still an incredible ampunt of power. But you my boy, you have the powers of Me Zeus and Hades. You are the physical embodiement of the Big Three" Posiedon answered

After he said this i felt every eye in camp fall onto me. It turns out i was possibly the most powerful demigod to ever exist. Well how about that.

"So as for where you'll be staying, you may rest in my cabin. I'm sure when you rescue my son he wont mind having a roommate. Other than Annabeth of course" he said with a sly grin, i noticed a blush creep onto Annabeths face at this comment.

Once Posiedon had finished talking he flashed out. Where he was standing sat a bracelet with a trident charm on it. Next to it lay a note saying pull on the charm to summon a new weapon. Tap the end of it when you want the weapon to disappear. I grabbed the bracelet, put it on my wrist, and yanked on the trident. It immediately came off and started to grow into a fully sized golden trident. It felt perfectly balanced in my hands, and it also had a greek inscription on the side. It said: " Σεισμός" which was greek for earthquaker. As i looked at it in my hand i felt a tugging sensation in my gut. I heard a voice in my head saying "Use that tugging feeling. Force it to obey you. That is the power of the sea". I assumed it was posiedon, so immediately tested it out. I imagined a large trident emerging from the sea, and sure enough. A trident at least fifty feet tall, emerged from the sea besides camp half blood.

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