Oh Shit

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A/N This gets pretty deep and a bit dark this chapter so just thought I'd warn you

Hansard POV

As soon as Annabeth said we needed a quest I immediatelyturned to Piper (who I seemed to be getting all the answers from recently) and again mouthed the word "quest?" Luckily she understood what I meant and said to me:

"Quests are authorised by Chiron, Mr D or any of the Gods when they're in need of them. However before you go on one you need to consult our oracle"

"You know what I'll leave this to the big kids instead" I laughed, making everyone turn and glare at me, apart from Leo who grinned. Almost like he was proud. Annabeth however was not impressed:

"You think this is a joke? You think that the fact that my boyfriend has been taken, dragged into the shadows by an unknown beast is funny? Perseus Jackson (A/NYou know shit gets serious when its Perseus not percy) has done more for this world than anyone i know. He is the bane of kronos for gods sake. He thought he was destined to die since he was twelve. He has been through more pain than everyone at this table combined, he has lost more than you can ever imagine and you think him disappearing is a joke? Without him Olympus and the entirety of demigods are screwed!" Annabeth yelled at this getting closer to me with every sentence until i responded with:

"He's not the only person whose lost things" I yelled back " I've lost my entire family. My real mum died 15 years ago, my twin sister who was the only reason I woke up for 4 years. My life has been a living hell without her. I even tried ending it all about 2 months ago, but when i tried slitting my wrists all that came out was golden liquid and then they healed instantly. I cant even end it properly, I'm not good enough for anything i couldn't save my mum or my sister when she was drowned in shadows. And best of all the only help my Dads given me at all is apparantly the fact that he abandoned my family. So yeah hes not the only person whose lost things. And honestly he seems to have a pretty good life right now." with that said everyone was staring at me in what looked like fear. All of them apart from Annabeth who looked like she was about to explode. She screamed and then launched herself at me with her knife.

As Annabeth flew towards me she seemed to slow down. In fact everything seemed to slow down. As it did I ran to the other side of the room where there were two swords in a case. One seemed to be made out of normal steel whilst the other was made out of the same material as Annabeths dagger and Percy's sword. There was a label on the case that said "BackBiter". I had no idea what that meant. But when i grabbed the two swords out of the case I instantly felt powerful. As i felt everything speed up behind me, for some reason i knew exactly what to do with the blades. I placed the two ends of the swords together and i felt the swords combine and shift into a long scythe.

Everyone gasped as they saw me on the other side of Annabeth with Backbiter in it's scythe form up to Annabeth's neck.

Then everyone stood up and drew some kind of weapon, and Dionysis flashed us all to Olympus.

And as i looked around i notice there were 11 giants stood around me (I guessed they were gods) all staring above my head. and as i looked at what they were staring at, I realised why they were afraid. Why i had been brought to Olympus. Why all the Monsters had bowed down to me.

Because above me was a sign

An hourglass with a scythe along the middle

I had been claimed


Kronos was my father.



Well there you have it chapter six. It is a little bit shorter but it also has a lot of info in it. I was planning on leaving this as the cliffhanger for the end of this book, but ive had a better idea for that. So did anyone guess that would happen? Also the explanation for why Backbiter is in two parts will come later dont worry. As usual pls review and say what youd like to see i am open to suggestions.


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