Chapter 1

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Hey my dear beautiful / handsome and gorgeous readers this is my first attempt of writing a story so please forgive my flaws and feel free to point out my mistakes it helps me to become a better writer. Though english is not my first language I'll try my best to not make mistakes

Caren POV

"Hey DARKNESS wake up.... Its almost past 9 are you still gonna stay like a corpse on the bed darkyy", a rugged voice banged my bed room door.

I woked up with a bird's nest on my head.. My freakin curly hair it was really hard for me to comb my hair everyday morning because of the curly hair strands gets tangled easily but still I love my hair. It was smooth, strong and long..

Last night I had a lot of work to finish off before the month end reviews. And also being the personal secretary of my boss, my work load was always double the time bigger than the other workers in the company.

Apart from my work load I was always happy to spend my work time with my love who was my BOSS, exactly thats why i'm happy to work their day and night. Though I was loaded with luxury, I was always happy to work for him to be honest under him.... As his PERSONAL secretary.. Hmmm the word personal itself makes me sooo happy with all butterflies banging inside my stomach.

I had several restaurant, pubs and many import, export companies also several properties bla bla bla... ( i don't like to mention those stupid wealth I had) under my name which was given by my parents to me before their divorce sigh.. My guardians took care of it. Actually they were like my real family the word guardian suits my original parents better

Derick my childhood buddy and his family were my guardians when my original(fake) parents left me. They were my another happiness I had in my life after my boss oops.. Sorry My love. I always used to call him boss even In our private space. Professional ethics..

Though I loved him from my deep heart I never disclosed this secret that I was more loaded than him. I always acted like a average lady who works hard just to fulfill her everyday needs. I know that iam a liar I was not true to him but the inner instinct of mine never allowed me to reveal my secret and always I feel so guilty about not being true to him when he was... So honest with me (my love).

I never intentionally hide it from him but I was afraid what he might think of me, does he be the same even after knowing the truth or he behave different or the worse does he leaves me noooo...... I won't tell the truth to him, atleast for now. He had that male ego (good one thou) to be responsible for the women he love likes to take care, be the one who provides whatever his love needs but I just needed his love. I don't want to break his male ego and I always loved to see him take responsibility for me that's reason why I always acted like I was in need this is so wrong Sooo wrong I know but still...... Sigh.

With all these thoughts I woke up from bed walked to living room. A strong scent of coffee was tingling my nostrils mmmmm coffee coffee coffee.

When my hands went to take a cup and pour coffee from the kettle, a loud voice from my back "DARKNESS"
Almost made me to pour the hot coffee in my hands..

I turned around and gave a stabbing stare to the man who tried to burn my skin with coffee

He giggles with a adorable dimple popping out. Gosh I'm so weak for dimple especially if that coming from a man I'm totally done...

Derick the devil hahaha.. My crime partner. He was a tall manly man with sharp jaw cuts, Carmel skin tone, silky reddish black hair and yes he is a fitness freak.

I turned around with a glare and took the cup to my lip to sip the coffee but that devil took it from me. "Thank you DARKNESS". I shouted at him "u DEVILLL" give my cup back yes literally he gave the cup back... Empty cup. U shitty devil

"Oh my poor darkness I think that was the last drop of coffee in kettle I guess better u start your day without coffee uhh" by completing the sentence he winked at me.. Ok I'm done

I grabbed his hair and started shouting how dare you take my coffee I'm always obsessed with coffee I dnt like people taking my stuffs especially coffeeee. In return he grabbed my hair as well and we ended up with tom and Jerry fight sequence .

From a distance we both heard the loud ironic scream "KIDS".. we stopped fighting and I stared at him whereas he was giggling

Derick's parents entered the living room. Their hands were locked together . They were such a adorable couple a example of how a husband and wife should be awwwww.

Derick's mother Linda elegant lady in her fifties started her regular advice... Sigh. "Kids act like grown ups, behave your self, it was just a couple of hour we left you" bla bla bla.... Derick's father Mathews a dashing man in his fifties stared at us with a concern look as his wife was roasting us it is a regular thing thou after roasting us she went to the kitchen to make breakfast. As I went to my room getting ready for the work.

All these things was part of my routine though.. Waking up , fighting with the devil, getting roasted by Linda, going to meet my love . To be honest with the morning tom and jerry fight, Derick boost up my energy actually.. I like it. My energizing devil..

This is my first chapter guys so please comment ur thoughts, point my mistakes and make me a better writer

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