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You were one of the most mysterious people in Passione, nobody knew where to find you or what your job exactly was in the dangerous organization. You liked it that way, trying to keep your life in order and perfect was your ideal living way, and your job was the most perfect for it.

you've taken so many lives in your years of living, you didn't mind getting your hands messy with the warm blood of your victims, after all, it was part of your job.

As you dragged yet another body of a truly failed member of the organization to the nearby room, this fool's teammates would come back home soon, so you'd have to be quick.

you took out the large kitchen knife from the table and started to work on your magic.

and as you were finished up, you threw out of the useless parts of your work, it needed to be perfect, you placed down the finished dish on the table and cleaned your hands on the towel, yet another successful mission, now you had to wait.

you made your way out of the building and on your way you watched the returning 'friends' of your finished work, this made you smile it was after all your favorite part, and as you listened oh so closely and hearing the team talk about the dish you had left for them, they began to eat it, yet another useless brainless team would be reminded of how cold the Passione was.

As the people began eating the food thinking it was a gift left for them for their great work, one of them noticed something, a tooth. they all began to scream and spit out the food.

Your job was done, now you could go back home and get ready for the next mission.

making your way to the train and taking a seat down, you pulled out your cookbook, what dish would you have for tonight?

The hitmen were discussing the recent brutal hits on the other teams for not doing their job correctly. The boss had ordered someone psychopathic that cooked up people and served their corpse as food to the unsuspecting friends of said victim.

"So let me get this straight, there's this Hannibal Lecter wannabe out there punishing those who fail to do their job given by the boss?" asked Formaggio now disgusted after hearing about the recent events. 

"Correct." Their capo said with almost no emotion in his voice or face, "But we aren't gonna be on the hit list right? I mean we are best of the best right?" Pesci said next to his brother who was sitting on the couch. "well be fine don't be such a mammoni." His brother snapped at him, "but we should look into this person, after all, we need to be ready for anything." he continued, "oh I wonder if they are a stand user? and what their power is?" said Melone, "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELVES KILLED?! WE ALL KNOW WELL ENOUGH NOT TO SEARCH ABOUT THOSE WHO DO THOSE JOBS IT LEADS TO NOTHING BUT DEATH!" Ghiaccio screamed next to Melone. 

"Why are we panicking now? We definitely should look into them, they sound somewhat interesting case." Gelato said while sitting on his lover's lap, "great idea babe" said Sorbet.

Ghiaccio kept yelling and going on about how dumb it would be to search for someone who killed with no shame. "Hey listen, if we could find out who they were we would have the upper hand in combat if we ever were to face them in one," Illuso stated at the raging blue-haired man.

"You're correct." Risotto said while closing his eyes and Ghiaccio stopped raging now looking dumbfounded, "Let's do some research."

As you were making your way through the crowd looking around to find some dinner for you, and of course being in Passione and on this level of power meant you had a stand, Soft Cell. It could inform you of every part of someone's body if they were sick with something, and of course their weak spots. Sure enough, you find tonight's dinner, the target didn't appear to be sick nor had anything wrong with their flesh as far as your stand detected, the blood wasn't infected with anything disgusting either, perfect. You could almost hear the sound of his heart the more you inspected him.

you began to follow the man in front of you, taking a closer look at him with your stand, his leg seemed to be recently recovering, you could strike that with your stand surely and he'd fall down, easily.

"Guys there's some news articles of a serial killer leaving bodies with missing organs and body parts behind!" the entire team gathered around Formaggio, as they looked over at the crime scene photos, truly brutally killed. "These are a few years ago, perhaps they had gotten better with killing?" Melone said as he put a hand on his face in thought. "They must have gotten a stand!" Ghiaccio exclaimed as the team began to look more into the serial killer's information.

As you dragged the man who's the leg you'd just broken completely and slammed his skull hard enough to break his entire head, to your special workplace your kitchen. You pulled his body on the table, now what should you take? and what you should get rid of? You had decided to cook one of your favorite dishes, you cut him open, and slid your hands inside taking out the heart and placing it on a plate. And as you continued piece by piece you had taken the parts you'd eat, putting them in bags and sealing them shut and moving to put them in your freezer that was somewhat empty, you'd have to make another kill soon to keep it full in case of emergencies.

looking back at now the useless corpse in front of you, you made your way back. It was time to get rid of it, Soft Cell manifested behind and with the snap of your fingers, the stand started to cut, making multiple slices on the body till there was nothing left but a pile of bloody mush, started to move it to the bucket near the table.

 looking back at your stand, it had the appearance of something that looked like a skinned humanoid, with nothing on its face expect a line of teeth, it's arms were sharp boney knives and the lower part of its body had on black tight pants and shoes with heels and wire around them. "You're just so perfect, Soft Cell." You smiled at your stand and then looking over at the phone as it started to ring, cleaning your hands under the sink and drying them with a towel, you took the call most likely already knowing who it was.

"[Y/N], the boss has another job for you." ah the voice of Doppio, a man who seemed to grow extremely anxious in your presence whenever you two met to discuss business. "Oh hello there dear, that's wonderful, when will I be handed over the information?" you could hear him shuffle nervously on the other side of the line, "tomorrow, the same cafe, usual time." you smiled once again. "of course, see you there darling." and as the call ended you finished with your cleaning.

"Now, time to make some dinner."  

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