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As the car was moving fast on the dirt road at the darkness of the night, you could hear something, it sounded like metal being torn and crunched, like someone was eating it.

You raised your hand to alert Prosciutto, who glanced at you and nodded, showing that he had also heard the sounds, he moved his head back to the road as he kept on driving.

Using Soft Cell, you tried to find what was making the sound, it didn't sound like any car problem, and you were correct, you could see some sort of beings eating up the metal of the car, small tiny stands that seemed to be almost goo-like.

"Pull over!" You told Prosciutto who did as told, only to find out that the car wasn't working correctly, making the car topple off the road and rollover to the field next to a forest.

"Shit what is it?" Prosciutto asked as he tried to hold onto something, as soon as the car stopped moving, the two of you crawled away from the car, standing back up on your feet you noticed how the beings began eating up the car more, which made them become bigger and bigger.

"Hideous things." You scoffed as you glanced at Prosciutto he had also gotten away from the car and had made his way to stand next to you, "where's the user? Can you find him?" He asked as you were already looking around, using your stand, "I can't." You stated as you cursed under your breath, "what do you mean?!" He asked, "there's no stand user here, they are either too far away or this is truly something else." You told him, the two of you could hear the sound of an owl coming from somewhere.

"Look for the owl." Prosciutto stated, "excuse me?" You asked him, suddenly one of the things jumped off the car and towards the two of you.

"Look for the owl!" He yelled at you, as he dodged the stand, "can you do that?!" He questioned you, glancing around, you could see the bird, it was sitting on a branch, "found it, but how is it useful to us?" You asked him as you moved away from the stand's attack, the car was almost fully devoured, only the car seats remained anymore.

You watched as Prosciutto pulled out a pistol, "where is it?" He asked as he moved away from another attack, you were about to tell him before the stand struck your face, the mask from the side of your face was taken off as you flinched.

Prosciutto ran to you and moved you further away from the stand, he held you by the waist as he was pointing his pistol into the darkness, "where is it?" He asked once again, you placed your hand on top of his which was holding the pistol and moved the gun towards the direction of the bird, "I don't know if it's going to reach but-" You were cut off as Prosciutto pulled the trigger, you watched the bullet hit the owl, it flew off as it let out a cry, you could see feathers falling off of it, the bullet didn't do enough damage to kill it, next one would do it.

"where is it?" You hear Prosciutto ask, as you kept your eye on the bird, it landed on another branch while it stared at the two of you, moving Prosciutto's hand again to point towards the bird, "there." You stated as Prosciutto pulled the trigger again, the loud bang was ringing in your ears, as you watched the bird fall off the branch to the ground.

Prosciutto could hear it hit the ground as the stand effect disappeared, "let's find that stupid fucking thing." He told you as he glanced at you, nodding you showed the way, by using its blood to find the fallen animal.

"Is dressing animals like commoners fashionable now?" You asked as Prosciutto glanced at the owl, "it's someone's pet," he stated, "can you sense anyone else?" He asked as he turned to look at you, "no, someone must have sent this thing after us at some point of the car ride." You told him as you kicked the bird to its side.

"It doesn't seem to be used for anything else other than for dirt jobs." You stated as you observed the animal, "will you get in contact with the others?" You asked him, "of course." 

Prosciutto stated as he pulled out a Nokia to inform his team, you kept your gaze on the bird, you never knew animals could have stands, but as long as something had a strong will it could obtain a stand.

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