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Spending time in the base wasn't very ideal for you, sighing you wrapped the arm up before you placed it on the freezer, you had actually managed to find someone, a student that was a total brat from what you could see.

You glanced back at your bloody work table, you still needed to place some of his parts in the freezer, you had already eaten his liver and left lung, at least the brat wasn't drinking around or smoking.

You could hear the gang laugh upstairs, they were most likely having another game night, whatever.

Soon you could hear knocking coming from the door of your room, sighing you wiped your hands into a rug before you made your way to open the door. As you opened the door, you could see Formaggio with a grin on his face, which vanished soon as he noticed the blood on your apron that you had wrapped around yourself while you worked.

He tried to smile again but you could see sweat run down his face, "we were wondering if you wanted to join us?" you watched him with a blank stare before slamming the door close, sighing you made your way back to your work, you could hear Formaggio say 'i'll take that as a no then'.

"Well?" Prosciutto asked the returning man, while he lit up yet another cigarette, "she's not coming, she's, uh, 'working'." He responded, "tell her to clean up and join us here, I expect her to be here." Risotto suddenly said.

 "Uh, listen, I don't think she's going to listen." Formaggio replied as he sat down, "I'll go tell her myself then," the capo spoke as he stood up and made his way out of the room and to the cellar door, his team watching him with interest.

You heard the door open and close, sighing you continued to clean the table, "I expect you to join us," you stopped as you turned to look at your capo, "I have better things to do than watch bunch of fools play card games," you said as you turned your attention back to your work. "It's not just that, but to strengthen the group as a whole." He replied as he stood next to the stairs, "in the time the group spends together we learn to read each other, it also helps us when we work together in missions."

You looked at him again, watching how a shadow covered his face, you could see his red irises glow, very 'godfather' like. You gave up, you took off the bloody apron and threw it on the pile of blood-covered clothes. "Fine," you said as you walked past him, "they better not cheat, I hate cheaters."

As you opened the now surprisingly heavy door with some force you could see Melone and Formaggio fall as the door pushed them to the ground. You glared at them, you could hear Prosciutto sigh, "idiots," he said while putting the cigarette back to his lips.

As the game of poker began Melone leaned to whisper into Ghiaccio's ear, "I'm somewhat glad our capo didn't do anything, I mean have you seen how she looks at her?" the blue-haired man glared at him, "shut the fuck up and play the game!" He yelled back, "Melone don't tell me you're telling him about your weird facts."

Illuso spoke, he was sitting next to you, trying to lean on you but your glare kept him away. "I don't even want to know, what weird facts he had been telling him before," you spoke as you looked down at your cards, Formaggio chuckled "oh trust me it's some truly disgusting stuff."

Prosciutto looked at his brother who was drinking milk, "when will you learn to drink something else?" His brother seemed to frown slightly, "I think you should be thankful he isn't consuming alcohol, besides his bones will be strong and not break easily." You spoke still looking at your cards, "don't stand up for him, he needs to learn how to be a man," Prosciutto glared at you, "I didn't know chain-smokers were considered as 'manly'." You replied back, earning a few chuckles from the others.

The game continued on, you were surprised that they even managed to keep playing the game right, the bets were also surprisingly high, you had managed to get yourself a fair amount of money.

"Say, princess, where did you learn to play?" Illuso cooed at you as he moved his arm to rest on your shoulders, "call me that again and I'll be sure to cut your entire arm off and beat you to death with it," he moved his arm away, making the others chuckle.

"Final round, after this you're all dismissed." Risotto spoke, his face fixated on his cards, you could feel someone watching you slightly, you moved your eyes to Pesci, which made him shiver and turn his gaze back at his card hand.

You wondered how someone like him could have ended in a job like this, you thought as you looked at your cards, maybe Risotto was right, you shouldn't underestimate the shy man, he could very easily be a cold-blooded killer in disguise.

Well, you needed to observe him, you needed to observe everyone, you still haven't seen their stands as they had made you use yours. 

Perhaps the capo was right, you needed to trust each other, the thought made you slightly disgusted but it had to be done for the sake of your job.

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