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Walking up the stairs and making your way over to Illuso's room you stopped right in front of the door and stood there in silence, listening, he was asleep, you could hear it by the sound of his snoring.

As you stood silently listening to the sound of your comrade sleeping, you watched as your hand, moved to the doorknob, slowly and silently twisting it open, this reminded you of something.

At the time when you were just learning about the multiple ways of the art of murder, you were camping, you didn't have Soft Cell with you back then, so it was messier than you thought, as the night fell into the park where multiple campers mostly teenagers had decided to stay in, you made your way out of your tent, and walked in pure darkness, listening carefully to your surroundings you found a campsite, you kept yourself in the shadows as you watched a lone man enjoy his time in the wilderness, looking at the stars and enjoying the fresh air.

Perfect target, perfect meal, you waited standing still in the pure darkness watching him go to sleep as he got tired, he didn't know of your presence at all. You made your way over to his tent, standing silently outside, you could hear him snoring, carefully you opened the tent, as you watched him sleep, you couldn't do it yet, you needed patience, you turned your attention to his bag, going through it was interesting, he seemed to have sleeping pills with him, but perhaps this time he didn't need them as he had just hiked a long way here, so he slept like a baby.

You decided to take the pills with you, placing them in your pocket as you looked through the bag again, he carried a switchblade with him, you took it as well, he seemed to have a journal with him, flipping through the pages you took in the most important parts, he had been to surgery and had come out here to enjoy the peace, since his apartment was close to loud neighbors he seemed to call 'bastards' quite a lot.

You excited the tent after closing the bag, you made sure to leave it as close to as it had been before you touched it.

The following week, you followed after him as he hiked, every day that passed he grew more paranoid, he grew tired, every time you checked his little journal, he had written how he felt watched, '-I checked my bag again, this time the radiophone was missing, I had made sure it wouldn't have, I did everything I could so it wouldn't be taken.' You remembered taking it from it's hiding place, he had placed it inside the small tear that his bag had, you didn't notice it at first so you did think he was clever.

Then you had taken the map as well, you watched him the next day get frustrated, he almost even cried, he walked into the woods trying to find his way out, but he couldn't, that night when he was getting ready to sleep he seemed to stay up longer than usual, as the sun started to rise, he had seemed to have fallen asleep outside of his tent, as you walked in front of him, you could see how pale he had grown, he was getting tired of aimlessly walking around the forest.

You had decided to crush and put sleeping pills into his water, the next morning as you watched him drink it, you could see him tiredly trying to pack up, he kept walking as his legs shook under him, he was trying his best not to fall asleep.

But as he drank more of his water, he soon collapsed, you dragged him into one of the caves that used to belong to a wild animal, most likely a bear, as he woke up, he began frantically trying to leave the small cave, but it was useless for him. As he noticed you walking to him, he thought you were another victim and tried to ask you for help, poor man, he didn't know that he would find his organs missing as you tore him open.

You snapped out of your thoughts as you stood right in front of your sleeping comrade, you watched as his stomach rose and fell as he slept as you held your hands out, ready to strangle him while he slept, but you held yourself back, doing anything to your comrade would bring you to your death, besides you shouldn't lose yourself control, it was a weakness you needed to learn how to control yourself.

Silently you exited his room and closed the door, leaning against the wall you caressed your head, you pushed yourself away from the wall you made your way back to Melone, seeing he had already selected a movie 'The Silence of the Lambs.'

You glanced at him with a slight glare as he held a smirk on his face, "so he didn't want to come?" He asked as he patted down a spot on the couch next to him, offering you to sit next to him, you scoffed as you instead decided to sit somewhere else, you didn't want him to be crawling on top of you again.

"No, he was asleep so I decided to not wake him," you replied to Melone who hummed in response, you could soon hear the front door open as your comrades had returned to the base, the two brothers and Ghiaccio and Formaggio, they seemed to be holding groceries as they made their way into the kitchen, you turned your attention back to the movie, watching how Lecter was able to escape his cell, he murdered the two guards who went to give him food.

"You know, you never really told us yourself what you had done, I don't think the files have everything," Melone stated as he looked at you, he wasn't paying any attention to the movie, "I should be kept hidden," you told him as you kept your eyes on the movie, "somethings aren't meant to be talked about," you said as you turned to look at him, he seemed to be in thought as he looked at you, "you shouldn't keep things hidden from us, you know," he replied, you thought for a moment for your answer, "maybe you shouldn't try finding out about things, you'll regret it, trust me," you told him.

"Hey there, what are you two watching?" You heard Formaggio say as he made his way into the room, making you and Melone quiet as he sat next to you, "you know you could have sitten next to Melone," you said to him, "really? But this is my favorite spot," he said with a grin, he turned his attention to the tv, "wait are you guys watching Hannibal?" "Yes, 'The Silence of the Lambs.'" Melone stated as he turned his attention to the tv, you decided to get up from the couch, "wait where are you goin'?" Formaggio asked, "I need to check something, besides I've seen this movie, I'll be back soon." You told him as you exited the room.

You needed to clear your head and focus on your thoughts, Melone watched you go as he tried to understand whether or not he had gotten under your skin before he turned his attention back to the movie.

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