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So, it has been two weeks after that one drinking night, you've been on missions and doing chores around the house.

You remembered how you were on a mission with Melone, he had tried to pick a lock, he did so successfully, then turned to look at you as he smirked, saying that his hands could many more things than just that, you were ready to kick his face in.

Then you were on another mission, this time with Illuso his leg seemed to be better by now, he and you had been looking around the base of another enemy team, the two of you had gone hiding as the enemy team had gotten back to their base, where did you two hide exactly? A god damn broom closet, Illuso had held you close to him due to the closet being so small, you were sure he could have used a mirror or something to hide but it seemed like he had planned on this after the team had left their base again and the two of you exited the closet you did slap the back of his head, as he had whined about wanting to 'cuddle' with you more often.

Doing chores, you were helped by Formaggio, well not really you were fixing up the roof, on your knees as he laid next to you on top of the roof, occasionally handing you more nails as he sunbathed, you heard him mutter something, you turned to look at him only to see that he had fallen asleep, '[Y/N]? Yeah of course I'll marry you', he sleep-talked, you wanted to wake him up by accidentally pushing him off the roof.

You were helping Ghiaccio with fixing the fridge since it had been acting up, you could hear him curse as you held the tool kit for him, he ranted about how it was ridiculous that they expected him to know how to fix this, you only sat as you listened to him rant on and on, as he picked up a tool from the kit you were holding for him, he would say a small soft 'thank you' to you before continuing with his rant.

Your face had been healing surprisingly well, new skin began to grow making the red wound more pink-ish colored, as Prosciutto had seen this he had been busy doing something, for example, he would spend way too much time on his missions than usually, but what surprised you and the others, -was that he had brought you a half of a mask, it was creamy white and had features of a face carved on it.

You thanked him as you asked him why he had even gotten it in the first place as he placed it on your face carefully, he only scoffed as he informed you that it was done so you wouldn't get anything in your empty eye socket.

He only gave a small glare to the men staring at him what seemed to be in jealousy, expect Risotto, he had been spending most of his time in the office.

Pesci was afraid as hell of you, but he did respect you, he would occasionally glance at you to see what you were up to, not knowing if it was out of him being paranoid or something else.

Since getting the mask you were getting groceries with the two lovers, honestly being the biggest third wheel there would ever be, you were carrying most of the bags as the two held their hands and chatted about literally everything.

They did end up helping you as you almost collapsed from carrying all the damn bags as they laughed at the sight of you, you only sighed in annoyance.

You helped Prosciutto cook again, this time Formaggio and Illuso had tried to join in but the blonde had glared at them as he shouted ton of colorful words at them, the blonde never got angry at you since you seemed to make him calm down.

Well, that was until Melone had stolen some fries, the blonde had lost it as he chased down the lavender haired man around the house, Melone was running like his life depended on it as Prosciutto was after him wielding a wooden spoon.

So you ended up finishing the cooking mostly, Prosciutto did come back to help you finish it as he kept a steady eye on the food making sure there wouldn't be more thieves.

You had gone to inform your capo about how the food was done, knocking on the office door you heard him say 'come in', and you did he glanced at you as you informed him about the food, he told you he would come to eat in a moment, you swore as you saw the reflection of the computer screen from the window, you swore you could see a Wikipedia article opened with internet explorer, you only managed to read the title, 'Edward Scissorhands.' 

Why was your capo reading about a romance movie? You thought as you closed the door to his office and made your way back to the kitchen.

Risotto sat in silence as he turned his attention back to the screen, ' Enraged, Edward stabs Jim in the stomach and pushes him from a window of the mansion, killing him. Kim confesses her love to Edward and kisses him before departing. As the police and neighbors gather, Kim convinces them that Jim and Edward killed each other.'

Risotto read the Wikipedia page in awe, that was the most romantic thing he had ever heard.

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