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Another day another mission, you had gotten one at 6 am thanks to Risotto's insomnia, but there was a quite annoying problem for you, the comrade you needed to go on a mission with was still sleeping, absolutely snoring.

Formaggio had passed out on the couch after the late game night, you remembered how drunk he was, he kept going on and on about cats as tears streamed down his face.

"I'm sorry I'm talking about cats again, I love all cats, I love every kind of cat" he cried while continuing, "I think about how cute they are-- I just love them!" he stumbled to the couch, "I just wanna hug them all but I can't hug every cat." he cried more.

You watched him snore on the couch, should you just poke him? He didn't seem to wake up to the sound of your voice alone. You really couldn't understand how Risotto managed to find a team like this, you'd think they'd be more fierce and deadly.

You placed your hand on his shoulder, shaking him a bit, "oi, Formaggio wake up, we have a mission." You could see his eyelids move in irritation, he was waking up, most likely with a headache too.

"Hello, beautiful, is this heaven?" He said with a whistle while watching you with his mind half asleep still, you scoffed as you pulled him to the floor, now he was fully awake.

"What was that for?!" He yelled at you as he got up from the floor, holding his head in his hands.

"We have a mission and I'm done listening to you snore, let's go." You spoke as you headed towards the door, Risotto had told that you and your comrade, Formaggio, needed to get something before the enemy team did, you had asked your capo why a group of hitmen would do jobs like this, he didn't answer just gave you a silent look as he continued to tell you about the mission.

It was easy, you needed to steal a god damn car, but not any car, it was a car belonging to someone that had fucked up their deal with your capo, and apparently the car was built with gold melted into it, this was done to hide the money of course and your capo wished to get the missing payment for the team.

"So this mission, do you eh.." You turned to look at him with a cold glare, "are you pretending to be dumb?" He laughed slightly, "well I mean I don't have to know about the mission if you do," he then posed dramatically, "I trust my love!" You only scoffed at his silly actions.

Once arriving at the destination you had been listening to Formaggio joke around, somehow you didn't mind that, it was better than having Ghiaccio glare at you nonstop. Perhaps the blue-haired man feared you? Whatever, you turned to see the warehouse the car was kept in.

"There are people in the building, two... no three." You used your stand to sense them, you could hear their pulses. "Perhaps the enemy team got here first?" Formaggio questioned lazily, he was being way too laid back about this. You glared at him, "stick to the plan," you spoke with a cold tone, "we have a plan?" He asked you sighed, "never mind, just try not to mess things up."

"wait I have a plan." he spoke to you with a grin on his face, you turned to look at him with a raised brow, "you have a plan?" he nodded, "yeah I'll go on instinct." You sighed, "that's the opposite of a plan." but he was already sneaking off, sighing again, you just needed to get the car and leave and the job would be done, hopefully, the idiot would keep up with you.

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