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Your next mission was with the two brothers, you three had left early for this one. It was a mission that took place on a train and you needed to get rid of a team that had stolen drugs, of course reading their information you were surprised to see that none of them seemed to have stands.

But still, the current situation that you were in was rather bad, the team you were against were fighting for their lives and they were experienced with their work. You were against two of them, you have taken a shot to your leg already.

"Oh is the little girl going to cry now?" One of the men said you glared at them as you summoned your stand, slicing one of them apart, the other one seemed to be taken aback by this, he slowly backed off he was out of your range now.

"What are you going to shit yourself now?" You taunted him, "you bitch!" He cried out as he watched his comrade's body bleed to the floor. You tried to stand up but the pain in your leg was unbearable, you watched as he pulled out a pistol, what a coward.

"I don't know what kind of voodoo shit you just did but I'll be sure you won't ever do that again!" He aimed for your head, you watched his hands shake as his fingers moved to the trigger, "you're shaking like a damn leaf in the wind how do you think you're going to shoot me?" You sneered at him, you watched as he fired with his shaking hands, the bullet hit the floor and not you, "see? How about you man the fuck up for once in your life." You taunted him, trying to get up again.

"don't fucking move!" The man screamed firing another shot which hit the wall beside you. "Aren't you getting better? Come on how many bullets do you even have left?" You finally stood up and leaned to the wall, "you know the closer I get to you the less time you have to live." You taunted him again, the more fear he'd feel the less likely he was going to hit his target.

"I said don't fucking move!" He pulled the trigger again, only for him to hear the 'click' implying he had no bullets left.

The two brothers had finally finished off the last members of the team they were ordered to kill, Prosciutto snapped his head towards the sound of multiple gunshots, Pesci seemed to flinch, "there's still one bastard left," Prosciutto said, the two brothers didn't go to check it out though, they knew you'd handle it without trouble, or so they thought.

You watched as the man panicked, "That's quite sad, but it makes my job easier," you said while taking a step towards him, you stopped in your tracks as you noticed him pull out a grenade, his entire face held fear. "We're going to hell together!" He said while pulling out the clip and dropping the explosive down, "you crazy fuck!" You yelled before the grenade exploded.

Once Prosciutto heard the explosion go off he pulled on the emergency brake, making the train's wheels screech as it was coming to a stop, The two brothers ran towards the sound of the explosion, only to find out the entire carriage to be blown up almost completely. Pesci looked over to the opening that had been left by the explosion, noticing your body on the train tracks, your head was facing the floor before he could act he watched as Prosciutto jumped off the slowing train and ran over to you, Pesci followed after him.

You woke up, not where you thought, you felt the entire left side of your face was sore, you looked around the room, you were in a hospital, how did you even get here? You sat up hearing some of the cords fall off that came from the machines around the hospital bed. 

You got up from the bed, you felt your leg sting slightly as you wobbled your way around the room, finally noticing a mirror. You could see bandages all around your face mostly covering the left side, shakingly observed yourself, what was under the bandages if you would take them off?

Slowly, you moved your hand to remove the bandages on your face, silently they fell off one by one to the floor. 

You let out a heartbreaking wail as you watched yourself in the mirror. Your left eye was missing, the skin on the left side of your face was purely torn off, you could see your teeth where there used to be skin covering them, you could see your flesh.

"Miss! are you okay!" You turned to look at the nurses coming to your aid, "stay back!" You yelled tears starting to come to your face, "miss it's okay, you're gonna be okay-" "I said stay the fuck back!" You yelled, your stand appearing next to you, turning your head to look at it you noticed how Soft Cell's face had also changed the right side of his face was ripped similar to your left side but you could see an eye coming from the darkness of its face. Something your left side was missing completely.

"She's going into shock! quick!" You heard the nurses say as you saw the world around you spin, your vision fading into black.

"Where is [Y/N] [L/N] held at?!" Prosciutto slammed his hands on the desk making the lady on the other side flinch, "she's in room 105! but I don't think she might be awak-" she didn't even manage to finish her sentence as she saw the two brothers going on their way to find the room.

"[Y/N]?" Prosciutto opened the door, he could see the entire room being in the darkness, some light was coming from the window lighting up the frame of the bed, he could see your form sitting, "how are you feeling?" Pesci asked while hurrying into the room.

"I am going to be fine as the doctor stated, now please leave." You spoke with a wavering voice, "If that's the case you're gonna come with us back to the base." Prosciutto said while looking at you, "not a fucking chance," You laughed as your voice choked "you have no choice." Prosciutto told you while making his way deeper into the hospital room.

"I think I do, now get the fuck out of here." You spoke with a cold tone, the two brothers watched as you stood up from the bed, "you're just fine, you're gonna come with us, don't tell me you hit your god damn head so hard you forgot the situation you are in?" Prosciutto said with a glare while watching you, "of course I didn't you fucking idiot." You said making your way near the window, the two brothers could only see the right side of your face, "are you sure you're okay?" Pesci asked nervously, "I said I'm fine." You spoke through your gritted teeth, "you don't seem like you are." Prosciutto stated with a scoff.

"To hell with it, since you two don't seem to leave me the fuck alone I guess I have to come back to the shithole now don't I?" You yelled as you turned to face them, both of them falling silent as they saw your entire face.

The car ride was dead silent, the brothers didn't even dare to say a word to you, as you sat silently in the back seat, the shadow hiding your face, it had been a week after the explosion and they were ordered to get you out of the hospital by the capo, the rest of the team couldn't go fetch you as they were busy with their work.

The car pulled over to the base and in silence, the three of you made your way inside, "Hey there cannibal you're okay?" Melone asked you but didn't get a response, he watched as you walked into the cellar slamming the door behind you.

"Hey what's with her?" Melone asked the two, "it's not the time for jokes, Melone." Prosciutto said while giving the lavender haired man a cold stare before walking past him to the living room his brother following after him with a sad gaze on his face.

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