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Your next mission was with the two lovers you needed to get rid of a small gang that had been causing some trouble and messed with La Squadra's deals.

You, Sorbet and Gelato had already gotten rid of four targets out of five, you just needed to hunt down their so-called 'capo'. "So, has anyone caught your eye?" Sorbet suddenly asked you, "excuse me?" You glanced at your comrade, "he's asking if anyone in our team has caught your heart," Gelato chuckled as he held his boyfriend's hand, "why are you two bringing such childish thing up? We are supposed to focus on this mission."

The two looked at each other with grins, which made you give them a cold glare, "oh don't worry Sorbet's a love doctor!" Gelato laughed, "Oh you!" Sorbet laughed moving a hand over his mouth, "It's true! He knows everything about that, so when he told me the others in the team had been having their eyes set on your heart, I couldn't help but think it's true!" Gelato added, "this is ridiculous, will you two focus on the mission? We need to find the last bastardo," you said turning to leave for the next room.

"Sorbet which one do you think would suit her huh?" Gelato asked his lover. "Oh, I don't know perhaps Prosciutto? hmm?"

You only sighed as you made your way around the building, kicking down furniture, trying to find the last hiding coward.

 "Oh, what about Pesci? though he would be too much of a coward to pull any moves to her, however, they'd make a cute couple no?" Gelato said, "Oh what about Illuso? They did ride that bike together from what I heard, how romantic!" Sorbet spoke dramatically.

You were getting irritated by their matchmaking game, you kicked down a bookshelf.

"Oh look at that she's getting mad, kinda like Ghiaccio, I bet they would be a match made in heaven!" Gelato spoke once again while watching you search around for the last target, "what about Formaggio hm? they did fight together against those brats!" Sorbet spoke with a devilish smirk, Gelato shook his head, "no, no, no, it has to be Melone, he was the first one she went on a mission with, it's 'love at first sight', I'm telling you!"

Soon both of the men gasped in unison, "Risotto! he's been staring at her with that love-struck face!" both of them said at once.

"Can you two go stuck your tongues in each other's throats so I could do this mission without having a god damn headache?" You spoke to them with a cold tone which made the two laugh.

Back at the base, Risotto had left to work in his office, leaving the rest of the team in the living room, "so, do you think she'd like?" Melone said as he showed a book he had read multiple times, Kamasutra, to poor Ghiaccio, "get that unholy thing away from me, you damn idiot!" The blue-haired man yelled in frustration.

"Oi, you need to respect her, she isn't your toy." Prosciutto suddenly said catching the attention of the others, "what's this you're defending the cannibal now?" Illuso spoke while watching the blonde, "you haven't grown soft have you?" Illuso teased his comrade. Prosciutto glared at him, "watch your mouth or you'll end up in grave sooner than you have hoped for."

Formaggio sighed as he leaned on the couch, "like any of you losers would have a chance with her in the first place," Illuso turned his gaze on him, "says the one who's stand couldn't help her at all in the fight!" Illuso laughed as Formaggio glared at him in return.

"Can everyone stop talking about her?! It's annoying me!" Ghiaccio yelled at the men, "so you're just gonna pretend you didn't come back to the base with your entire face red after you had a mission with her?" Melone asked as he moved his eyebrows up and down, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ghiaccio screamed.

"But even though she is a cannibal she seems to be kinda nice right? like she's pure inside," Pesci spoke as he nervously fidgeted his fingers, "shut up you damn baby, she's a chick looking for a wild ride and the ride is me," Illuso said with a smirk, "god do you ever shut up?" Formaggio asked with annoyance in his voice.

Meanwhile, in the capo's office, he was looking around the internet to find out more tips on how to dance, he was growing frustrated as internet explorer was being as slow as always. He wanted to try out more dances he could do with you, yes, of course, he planned to dance with you from the start when you two went on that mission. 

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