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Laying under the tree, you felt a lot lighter, you didn't know how many hours had passed or if time had passed at all, you opened your eyes as you watched the sky, it was morning now, you sat up, not feeling the stinging pain as you did.

You looked down and noticed something, you were going through your own body, you were slightly invisible, you got up as you glanced at your body, a corpse that was laying under the tree, bugs were eating your eye out as flies flew around, were you? Was this?

You looked down at your hands, you could see the ground under you through them, it seems that not even hell wanted you, hearing someone approaching you could see people coming to your body, picking it up and placing it into a black body bag.

You watched it all like it was a film, the people couldn't even see you, they dragged the bag into a car, you didn't know why but you followed behind, you didn't know what to do, you felt lost.

You watched the doctors do an autopsy, as you stood in silence in the room, watching how your own body was inspected by them, it felt like a weird fever-like state, you could see them pulling out your organs and then sewing you back up.

You closed your eyes for just a moment, you felt like time was acting strange, everything felt so out of place, you only felt cold, cold, and clear.

Opening your eyes, you watched as your body was being taken out of the autopsy room, you already knew where it would go next and you followed right behind, you were trapped, alone and cold, your soul had stayed on earth and now you were watching your body rot away.

The team had moved into a different base, they left everything behind and started up again, there was no sign of you, but Pesci's dull tired eyes had told them everything, weeks had passed and soon they had gotten a message through few contacts the team had, and soon they were in silence and sitting in a place where the church bells ran just once.

Risotto was standing in front of the casket, it wasn't an open one, everyone was silent, until their capo spoke up, "all of you, forget all about her, she never existed and that's it." He spoke in a deep cold tone, the team was silent, but their silence showed they agreed, Ghiaccio held his face down as he gripped on the seat under him, he didn't wanna yell, not here not now, for the first time in his life he felt he the need to just shut up.

Formaggio was sitting further away from, the others, in one of the last rows, he held his head down, he didn't feel like joking, he hadn't felt like it for a while now, as he stared to the ground in front of him he could see something from the corner of his eye, someone was walking towards the capo, he lifted his head up to look but there was no one, it was nothing, he hadn't been able to see very clearly, every night his eyes would be on fire from all the tears he shed.

Risotto stood in silence in front of the casket, his expression cold, he blamed himself for this he blamed himself, he did not cry but he truly suffered it felt like his heart had been ripped from its place, he soon could feel a presence behind him, he assumed it was one of his men, coming to bid you goodbye for the final time.

"They really gave me a wooden casket."

He froze up, that voice, could it be- "but it's a nice shade luckily." He turned his head slowly, almost begging to see you, the hitmen had also turned to look at the person standing next to him, "tell me what type of flowers were you going to bring?" You asked him as you watched him with a peaceful expression on your face.

"Right, Risotto?"

He hugged you, well, tried, he went through you slightly, the men had gotten up from their seats and were now making their way over, "how? HOW?!" Ghiaccio yelled, slightly out of anger but more out of happiness.

Pesci wailed as he tried to hold onto you, "you kept your promise!"

They ended up understanding you were nothing but a 'poltergeist', after doing research the lovers had suggested cremating your body, so each member could keep one piece of you with them, well the cremated ashes, so you would be able to travel with them.

You would observe them on their missions and make sure they would be okay, no one else but stand users could see you, one time on a mission one even tried to attack you but ended up going through you and killing themselves in the progress, the team made jokes about it for some time, you spent a lot of time helping Risotto plan out things and made sure he would rest well, you even helped Pesci to become more confident in himself, soon he was let out to do his very own missions, but of course he wasn't alone you were with him.

Illuso did try to take you into the mirror world but it surprisingly didn't work at all, you were untouchable but not unlovable, he did try to kiss you a couple of times but each time he ended up going through you, Formaggio made fun of it, he would usually beg you to come on missions with him because he enjoyed scaring the targets with you, that's something he began enjoying.

Prosciutto would enjoy your company as you helped him cook, well more like gave him advice, you would sit on the counter and tell him the steps, it truly helped him and soon enough he learned to cook more, but still told you to help him from time to time, Ghiaccio would question everything about you and go on and on about how this could be impossible, but soon he did confess he secretly enjoyed your company and the fact that you listened to him talk.

Melone would go on and on about the horror movies as the two of you watched them, he did try to lick your face once but ended up stating that his tongue felt ice-cold as he moved his face away from you and held his hands over his mouth, 'cold, but- sweet' he stated as he gave you a grin, the two of you ended up watching X-files a lot.

Even though you felt cold, the fact that the hitmen kept you company made you feel warm inside, even though you were looking rather normal, you were still see-through, even though you were nothing but a soul of a rotting corpse, they loved you, it was truly tainted love.

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