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Melone silently watched the cellar door from the couch, "hey why is everyone here so god damn sad looking?" Formaggio asked as he sat on the couch, he turned to look at the two brothers and Melone, "well?" Prosciutto opened his mouth to say something but closed it, "It's about [Y/N] and it's something she will talk about when she is ready." Pesci said making his brother look at him with a surprised expression.

Formaggio looked at them with a confused face but kept quiet, soon enough Illuso and Ghiaccio had returned as well and the once silent living room was filled with small talk from the team, as usual, but this time it was much quieter.

Prosciutto didn't know how he would even talk to you, he had acted like a god damn fool, he was ashamed of himself. 

His brother was better at handling and progressing emotions.

"So I was wondering, we're gonna order pizza and play some poker tonight got it? Who's gonna get the lady in the cellar to join us?" Illuso said while leaning on the couch, "sounds good to me, but I'm not going down there," Ghiaccio said.

So the team sat around the table, getting ready to play, none of them wanting to go get you, Risotto suddenly walked into the room, "we're having a game night?" He asked, "yes, could you go get the cannibal?" Illuso asked, "I don't think we should ask her here now," Prosciutto said, "it's just fine, I'll go get her." Risotto said as he turned, "I really think you shouldn't, capo." Prosciutto said while looking at Risotto.

"Wait what's the matter, she's fine, right? She can come here, or are you scared?" Illuso laughed, Prosciutto watched his capo who made his way towards the cellar door, this was going to be a giant mistake.

Risotto made his way into the cellar, he turned to watch you, your back was facing him as you went through the freezer. "Hey, mind joining us upstairs?" He spoke to you, he watched as you slightly flinched, "no I'm a bit tired right now, I'll think I'll pass this session." You said with a shaky voice, Risotto watched you for a short while before making his way upstairs.

You let out a sigh of relief as you looked down on the table, you were carefully cutting the skin off a woman's face, you lifted up the cut piece to your face as you turned to look yourself in the mirror, you watched as the skin fell off, not like it even fit your face, your breath hitched as you felt tears coming back to your face.

You could hear your comrades starting up the game, you slowly sat on the ground as you cried silently, this would make many things difficult to you, people would stare at your face and you wouldn't be able to blend in with the crowd.

You didn't want your comrades to pity you either, you already saw the looks the two brothers gave you, you felt anger build up inside you as your hit you shaking fist to the ground.

You got up from the ground, it was no time to act like a little bitch, you turned to look at the head of the woman who's skin you had cut off.

"All yours, Soft Cell." Your stand appeared and made it was to the head, starting to feast upon it.

You lifted up the skin from the floor, seeing how dirty it had gotten, you threw it in the trash as you tried to get your breathing to be steady, you closed your eye, counting silently to ten, trying to calm yourself down.

Your stand had finished its meal, it made its way closer to you, comforting you. "At least we are still mostly in one piece," you said silently, your stand wrapped its self around you, you could hear it make silent 'shh' sound, "I know, I know." You responded.

In the morning you heard the cellar door open as Melone made his way to the room, your back was facing him as you silently worked on something on your table. "Hey capo gave us a mission, you're doing fine right?" He asked, he wasn't being flirty this time, did the two tell him something? "I'm fine." You responded, "oh that's good, I was worried because the Prosciutto and Pesci made it seem like something extremely bad had happened." He said with a chuckle, "Yeah, I think they worry a bit too much," you said silently.

 "Anyway, come on now we have to go," He said while clapping his hands together, "of course." You said softly while standing up and turning to face him. Melone was already making his way towards the stairs.

 "What is the mission even about?" You asked suddenly, "oh we need to kill a dude who's trying to steal drugs and sell them." Melone said as he turned to glance at you, he stopped in his tracks as he saw your face, he tried to hide his shock but you could see he was speechless, "so let's get going then." You said while walking past him, you could feel him stare at you silently, was he judging you?

"Is there a problem?" You asked as you stopped, "no it's just, rather, surprising." He said silently, "I thought they were worrying too much but damn." He continued, "can we go work on the job now?" You said, "and don't you dare pity me." You said as you started to walk again.

"Pity? Girl, you look fine as always, I'm just worried that you would be in pain, damn you're strong!" He said with a whistle, you turned to look at him in surprise.

"Excuse me?" You asked, "Yeah, I'd say that scar on your face makes you look even hotter!" He laughed. 

You scoffed as you turned your head away making your way upstairs but deep inside you did feel some reassurance.

Melone watched you as he followed after you, the smile on his face vanishing, this was going to be tough, especially if your comrades would start doing something ridiculous because of your disfigured face. 

"Melone?" He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard you speak, "yes?" He asked, "thank you." You said to him, he could feel his heart flutter. 

"Anytime," he responded as a smile made its way to his lips. 

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