Your Eyes Tell (I-Land Youngbin)

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Inspired by the movie 'Your Eyes Tell'


I only get the idea but did not copy the whole story.


Do you at times stop in one moment or perhaps when you're alone ask to yourself if your existence is a bless? To anyone in your life and see how much love they're willing to give?

Have you ever felt being so thankful and alive that you wake up able to see the beautiful world with your own eyes?

But what if one day, when you thought you were the most happiest person with someone you love by your side, the world has suddenly blurred? And slowly as you run among the crowd in the streets you will cry not viewing any of the stranger's face clearly?

And you ask yourself why as your eyesight slowly left you hanging on the darkness alone without the familiar colors of life?

Then all at once, the same time your eyes could only see nothing but black, is when everything would turn upside down for the worse.


"Where's Youngbin?", You asked first thing on the morning when you felt your older sister moving in the room, doing her best not to wake you up. But even before the door had open at her entrance, you're already up.

Your eyes were only closed because you hated opening it. What's the point? Even if you open it, you could view nothing in your state.

You heard her sigh, another thing you hated since the people around you have been doing it countless time in your presence and you know what? It only made you felt more worse.

From what you can feel this past few months, you're making it hard for everyone. Especially to him.

"He still haven't call if he will visit or not.. Sorry" Another sigh. "Probably he's tired of the new challenging training given to him by his coach"

This time you were the who sighed. Deeply. As much as you want to deny it, you had this never ending feeling that Youngbin, your boyfriend, is getting tired of the situation. Of you.

"Will you be okay? Should I make Dad call him to visit you?", Your sister, Dami asked. The worry in her voice so obvious, it made you wince.

When will they stop worrying every damn time? You're not a hopeless case. You're still alive and well, yes, just trying to get by.

"No, I don't want to disturb him", you said, moving to face the window. At least, that's where you think you're facing as you can feel the warmth touching your skin.

Sighs. From Dami again. If you were not on the mood, surely, she will receive an angry retort from you but you were too tired not to give a care. Mentally and emotionally.

Physical? You'll get there, eventually.

"Do you want anything? Or like Mom said, I should take you on a walk in the park?", She offered, her soft footsteps approaching your bed. You can smell her fruity cologne this close.

Smell and Touch. That's two of the five senses you relied the most when the sight is already useless.

"I only want him to visit me. I don't want anything but him to go here", you utters, totally serious and you've been this way since you felt him growing distant to you.


"Just leave me alone", You interrupted her and waved your hand to where you think is the door of your room. "I'm not on the mood to fake everything is normal when it's not"

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