The Saddest Goodbye (I-Land Taki)

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For once, this is not a love story. This is another tribute for the baby we've lost yesterday night.

The episode was heartwarming at the start but heartbreaking at the end.

Taki is indeed a great loss to the remaining 11. From the start they already adore him along the producers and now that he is gone, the baby of the I-Land is gone too.

I'm quite conflicted if anyone will read this but I need to post this for this another heartbreak.

Just imagine Niki older here than Taki.


I imagine your smile would've been beautiful as a sunrise,

And there is this peace that comes when I see it shine.

You are safe where you are and will always have my love.

So fly free and I will search for you in the skies above.

-S. Marie, Poet Seeds.


Everything that day, in his birthday was supposed to be perfect. The whole family have gone cutting off their plans to be with him especially.

Your Dad takes a day off. Your mother didn't went to her church friends. Your older brother cancelled his practice for the track-and-field and the other get off from the dance practice room.

And you didn't call for the tutor to come in.

Only you and your family is enough to complete him as you all raced down the living room and the kitchen. Preparing and decorating while waiting for him to come from the School.

As you stood there for a moment watching your mother and father laughed along K and Niki ruining the side of the cake, you'd thought it was a day that could be memorable and the happiest.

But you'd never thought how in the middle of hiding behind the couch and happen to be the nearest at the door that the day could be the saddest.

Taki did go home safely. He had even jumped out of happiness at the surprise which becomes a mistake and all of a sudden, he staggered--holding onto his head and then he cried.

The birthday bash had then went off to the hospital and from the moment the doctor comes out of the Emergency room, everything went downhill and out of control.

"Sorry to say this but as from what we've found in your son's head, he has brain tumor cancer"

You knew then before your family broke down in the hallway and Taki were soon situated in a private room asking all of you why was he there, that sooner or later, you have to say to him the saddest goodbye.

In a few months or maybe it can be a year, a candle not still melting at the bottom of it's life will burn out it's light.

An angel will then finally return to where he really belongs leaving all of your lives forever changed at the mournful and unacceptable loss.

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