Come In With The Rain 2 (Enhypen Jay)

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This is the Part 3 of Goodbye Kiss

Sorry for taking too long in this one.


"You and I, always almost.

Again and again.

We were always on the verge of almost.

Never nothing,

Never something..



The scent of the dry earth after it rains. The smell I used to love as a kid where my father would be so disappointed to see me playing outside in the garden and he told to me not to ever let myself be dirtied, it wouldn't look good for my reputation.

Was it mine or may
be his that he was actually worrying about?

But I don't have to care about him.

What I want is to care about how petrichor is the only thing I smelled after getting out of my car and shocking my driver of how fast did I run.

Even when I'm already in the Emergency room begging for all the doctors and nurses that have come on my way to let me see you, there is the petrichor in my nose and it is almost everywhere.

I don't know if it could be a sign though I remember this in particular order before he do appeared in the scene and I meet his fist on my face.

A blood coming out of my nose in his anger.

Here is what I remember:

1. In that call for me, I wonder why my number is the only one saved in your phone.

2. In the ride to go here, I wonder what it felt like to lose someone.


3. In the sky outside, it's already late in the night but why does the rain lash down on me upon my exit on the car to run to see you if you're fine.

But you're not. Sadly.

4. In your boyfriend's side, I couldn't understand why he is so angry at me.

If not for the people around, He would not stay away.

5. In my side, why am I desperate to know why he did it and why he did cry at the mere mention of your name?

It's still not your end, right?

Because if you did Y/N, you know me, I'm true to my words, not only one person will die in the end.

There would be someone following you in blink of a second.


The guy who comes in with the rain.


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