Careless's Man Careful Daughter (I-Land Kyungmin)

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So after my failure in his first imagine, I'ved written another one for him.

Plus, this is requested by my sweetie friend Taenapay who have been with me since the start of this imagines.

Because I'm getting crazy again over my favorite singer, Taylo Swift in her old songs, did I get inspired by her song "Mine".

Please listen to the song while reading this.


"You are the best thing that's ever beer mine"-Taylor Swift

"I was scared of that little thing called 'Love' but it was gone the moment you prove to me that not every man were like my father"- Y/N

"I fell inlove with the careless man's careful daughter and she is the best thing that's ever been mine"-Kyungmin


"Come here, Billy", The ten years old you whispered for your little brother who's sobbing quietly from his bed inside the bedroom you shared together and outside in the kitchen is the reason why he was startled out of his slumber.

There was another fight between your mother and father who were carelessly defending himself even if he is the obvious one at fault.

He had yet again was spotted by some of your mother's friends out there having a mistress in his job and it was not a surprise anymore for you because since you finally had the chance to think freely for yourself, was he already like that.

A womanizer. A cheating husband and the stress receiver were always your mother.

"Are you hearing yourself, Alfred!? I am the one at fault when you've already done it too many times that I'm done. I'm done with you and your nonsense reasons to fool me"

Billy, hearing your mother's hysterical counter to your father, jumped out from his bed and quickly hide in yours, beneath the blanket while you are already there, meeting his big doe eyes like of a teddy bear he's hugging on his little arms.

He then spoked out his fears. "Will they not stop this and truly break our family like Auntie said?"

You can never give an answer for it was really the truth. You can never deny the growing gap in the once-tightly-knitted-closed family of yours and all you can do was offer your headphones you picked up from the bedside table, setting it on his ears, playing a calming music for him to sleep.

It worked like magic. Billy really snoozed in your bed, leaving you to hear all of it all night until you looked up to the clock in your room, showing the time of 2:30 and you heard them, or mainly your father stomping his way to their bedroom, not caring if his childrens will hear his snarl to your mother crying in the kitchen.

"Fine! I'm done and tired with you all this time! I'm going away for my peace of mind and not stay here in your home where I always get crazy at the sight of you, always nagging, jealous and everything!"

And in the next days, will you find yourself, growing cold towards your father who really did his words of going away but did he really have to brings your baby brother as well?

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