Come In With The Rain 3 (Enhypen Jay)

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Since this one has been well-loved and if you know me, I'm a hard Jay stan, so here I am making the final part of this story.

This will now be the Part 4 of Goodbye Kiss.

Please vote here because I think this is one of my sweetest story here.


One day you will find someone that chooses you and continues to choose you everyday, and that's when you will be thankful everything happened the way it did.

"Why in all the person I could seek for in this world, you were the first I met and the last person I wanted to have?

Do you even know that I wish for us to marry?"-Jay



I can say I am one: a lover of rain. Someone who finds joy and peace of mind during the rainy days.

But who can say to me back then in my twenty one year old self how the rain will bring the person I could love more than myself?

The person who never left my mind in ten years that I'm away and in my return, can hurt me strongly like the rainstorm, reminding us people of how he couldn't take the sadness keeping it for so long at hold and so he let it all out, his tears pouring down on us.


Tears pouring out can be compared to a downpour.

A sudden heavy rain that I had glimpsed on Sunghoon's face the last time he said his goodbye to you. And I will follow him outside our own house, out in the gate near to his car, had I seen the deluge of pain and heartbreak as he teetered on his walk inside his vehicle.

Sensing my presence, he will turned to me in such a state of brokenness and I pitied him, for he have truly love you and when he spoked out, did I looked away to hide my own threatening rain fall.

His voice is a little bit husky from all the crying he must have done at the knowledge it has always been me. His eyes were gleaming in sadness, waters ran down his cheek, lips trembling before he said it.

"Please take care of her for me. Do not leave her again, Jay. Do not hurt the one I've been wanting to marry but she always chose you in the end"

Then he will left me there, standing frozen before the gates, watching his car be pelted down with the rain suddenly happening, as if joining him on his downcast state of mind at the thought of losing you to a guy.

A guy named Park Jay.

The guy who comes in with the rain and the guy who were now could be the happiest man.


Simply because after the passing moments of ours from the past and the present has come to this point.

At this point of seeing you there dress in white at the entrance, with all the people turning their head from their places in the pews to look at you, mesmerized by the same beauty that I had madly fallen inlove with ten years ago and still to this day, at our wedding day, did I know that I still felt the same as before.

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