The Perfect Prefect (I-Land Hanbin)

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Who else did watched the second trailer here? Can you tell me your own theory? I'm trying to get an idea from it and were planning to leave Sunghoon's vampire AU and make it an Enhypen series.

Now let's focus on this beautiful guy with a beautiful eyes and smile. This was requested from the request board.


Each girl has that one boy she will never lose feelings for...


I didn't say a name but someone popped into your mind, didn't they?


After your mother recently died from the pandemic in this year full of nothing but troubles to the world, your father can't stomach the sight of you looking exactly the copy of his wife, so in the end, you find yourself being sent to the other side of the country, in this boarding school, completely away from him.

Now upon stepping out of the taxi, you realized how he must have payed a lot of money to get you in this private Academy as there is a long gravel drive and a tall stone archway as the entrance in the gates. Passing that was grassy quadrangle with a swan fountain in the middle and  lined with lamp as you circled it before coming into the front steps.

Inside the entrance hall, it is blessedly warm with the fire roaring in the marble fireplace, and a wide staircase winds upstairs to a backdrop of stained-glass windows, where lots of students dressed in coats and skirt for girls and pants for boys.

A tall cute boy neatly-dressed stands beside another set of doors, through which you can hear a muffled voice as he talked to whoever is inside. He has an expectant expression, and when he turns to you, he gives you what could be a beautiful smile. "Are you the exchanged student from Seoul?", asked this student.

Now that you're closer and he stepped forward to greet you, it's clear that he is the same age. A foreigner and from the way he's talking showed that he's still not quite fluent in your mother language but you can understand him well.

"Let's go. The Orientation is now starting", he says without introducing himself, although you could already see his name in the prefect badge in his uniform. Hanbin.

He leads you through the door where he is and you're inside a vast auditorium whose high pillars soar overhead. The entire student body was already there sat in the velvet chairs, one that you could compare from the cinemas. Hanbin ushers you to seats close to the back, and perches on the seat next to you, watching the stage with a studiously attentive expression.

And without even noticing it yourself, the whole Orientation, you only looked at him, dazzled by his own beauty for a guy.

At the time of dinner, he happily led you to the banquet hall, but little could prepare you to what will you see once you two walked inside. Three crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceiling, sparkling with light. Portraits of previous Headteachers line the walls, along with a bronze plaque stretching nearly the height of the room listing the prefects of years gone by. 

There in front of you, there is long tables and benches sit beneath the chandeliers; the tables have been elaborately set with silverware and decoratively folded napkins. For a moment, you felt small on this rather glamorous world of the elites but what can you do want to left the place if the Prefect with you is already smiling?

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