Flowers And Thorns (I-Land K)

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This is my tribute for the strongest trainee in I-Land that we kind of failed yesterday night.

As much as I want to say more, it felt like I've said everything in my last note and yes expect this to be sad like I told there because I really like for all of you to feel the sadness I want to convey about the lost of K.

And as for the requests board into which many of you commented, I will consider all of it. For tommorow, the first comment about Jay will be publish. For now, focus on this tribute.


"Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses above one's head, and listen into silence. To have no yesterday, and no tommorow to forget time, to forgive life, to be at piece you can help me.

You can open for me the portal of death's house, for love is always with you, and love is stronger than death is"-Oscar Wilde


Hanahaki Disease is an illness borne of one-sided love, causing for the flowers form and grow in the lungs of the unrequited, the petals coughed up with increasing frequency.

If the love is not returned, the flowers filling the patient's chest will prove fatal.

You don't remember when you first fell inlove with K, the only son of your mother's bestfriend who even when you were both children doesn't seem to like you and avoided you like a curse in his life.

At the age of tenth when he first rejected you in the playground to play with, you fell and coughed blood after with a mix of cherry blossom petals then was diagnosed by the extremely rare but popular case of Hanahaki Disease.

Years later in the twentieth year of you living in constant danger for your worsing case, K returns from Seoul and for the first time, He had showned care for your well being but just as he started to see you in a new light, it might be already too late for you to continue to live.

Will K ever return your feelings? Or will you suffocate to death before you see and never know what he really felt for you all this time?


For as long as you can remember since the first time your mother and his own made you two meet back when you were both four, K has always been a little distant to everyone especially to you  At your frequent visits to their house, he would run at the first chance he could get inside his room.

Like your mother told you to, you give him time to adjust. You didn't forced friendship on him until you two found each other in the same school, at the same playground, in the sandbox alone together at the different end. As a kid without any friends and he is the only person you know, you went to approach him.

"Can we play together, K?", you offered, looking down at the sand castle he's been building for already an hour. "We could make a castle faster with us being two instead of only you"

His head never looked up but still he answered you in his stone-like voice. "Did I ask for any help? No, so shut up and find someone else to play with"

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