Cat and Dog (Enhypen Sunoo)

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Let's give this cutie his time to shine here.


"Too bright.Too shiny. Too friendly. Too happy. Everything about him screams of joy"

"Too quiet. Too gloomy. Too unfriendly. Too angry. Everything about her screams of lonely"


Call it naive or bitterness but you'd never seen this world brighter than you did before. Maybe once the cursed reality sinks deeply into everyone's mind, will they understand where you're coming from.

The days of your innocence was over. The childhood days left behind since you reached your puberty.

You always thought it was just you alone in the world fighting for your own sanity. Turns out that when you look out there, out in the streets and let your eyes watched the usual streams of strangers passing by--They're the same as you.

Human and sane.

Like you, they felt things and suffer. Like you, they were trying to live as well.

But why in this kind of realization, did you met someone who can understand?

He's not the kind of person you wanted to acquainted yourself with and his achingly happy personality touched you in a way.

And the moment you decided to stay away, is the moment he decided to chase for the girl who seemed too lonely and needs his company.

You can never runaway. He'll never goes away.

He'll be there bothering you like a puppy and you'll try to avoid, always like a cat too grumpy.


The normal morning of yours was always like this. You were smothered into nearly death every damn time you open your eyes with that squishy butt of your own furry little devil they called cat exactly right in your face.

She even had the audacity to meowed her complaints as to why you pick her up away and down to the floor, where you made sure the carpeting is faux fur the same color as her so that she could feel more like a Queen in her wide open Kingdom, other known as your 'bedroom'.

Standing up from your bed, you glanced on the mirror in your closet, there is someone there looking back at you who you convinced will survive another day.

After getting ready for the day to Highschool you called 'Hellschool' instead, you brought your chubby cat who's name is Luna up to your baby brother playing with his food in the kitchen where your mother served pancakes.

Upon seeing you, She smiled brightly acting like everything is okay between the two of you when it's not. You let your eyes slide away from her and to your brother, Sammy who lights up at the sight of your grumpy cat.

"Will you let her play with me?", He asked quite excitedly.

The smile making it's way up to your face never fails to come so long as it's him.

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