An Eventful Night (25)

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A/N: Why hello there :) I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Lisa's POV

"Cheerssss!" We raised our glasses up to celebrate Rosé's comeback. We were currently at a famous night club celebrating Rosé's title track, "Love Me" hitting #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. I was extremely proud of her and all of her hard work. It has been a long week for her seeing as she had to wake up early just to go to interviews and press conferences. I barely had any alone time with her, and I knew she was tired as well.


I snapped out of my thoughts once I heard that voice I would never get tired of hearing.

"Hey baby." I said pressing a light kiss on her cheek. "Are you enjoying yourself?"


"What's wrong?"

"Is it rude of me to want to leave my own record party early?"

I chuckled seeing her furrowed her brows. As a response I shook my head and said, "no babe it isn't."

"I just want to go home and be in bed snuggled up against you." She said with a pout. Oh how can someone be so cute?

"Awe babes, how about we stay here for twenty more minutes and then we can go? How does that sound?"

"I like that idea."

"Good, now let's go find Jennie and Jisoo they're probably grinding on each other on the dance floor." I said, with a chuckle.

"You're probably right." She said taking my hand while I walked us over to the dance floor. The club was filled with our friends and idol friends. We were all for one reason only and that was to celebrate Rosé's success with the release of her first full album.

"Ah Rosie you're here!" Jennie yelled.

"Yea I am. I mean it is my party." Rosé chuckled.

"I know. I know. I just haven't seen you guys allll night."

"You mean we." Jisoo chimed in hooking her arm onto Jennie's arm.

"Sorry, we were running late because this one over here took too long with choosing which outfit to wear." I said pointing to Rosé.

Rosé scoffed and replied, "Well sorry for trying to make myself look good at my own party. And plus you also took a long time getting ready as well."

"Babe you know you always look good in anything you wear. Well I did take a long time but I do look good right?" I said with a smirk on my face.

Lisa's outfit for this chapter

Lisa's outfit for this chapter

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"Yes babe, soooo sexy." She leaned in giving me a lovely kiss.

"Alright, alright we get it you guys are in love. Now stop with the flirtatious comments and come dance with us!"

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