A Celebratory Dinner (23)

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A/N: It's a very short chapter. I'm not really proud of this chapter 😓 but I promise the next chapter will be much better.

Rosé's POV

"Are you serious?" I asked.

I was currently sitting in the office of Hwang Bo Kyung. A.K.A my boss. The last time I saw her, I wanted to rip her head off just for delaying my comeback again, but this time my reaction was quite the opposite.

"Yes, I'm very serious about this."

I stared at her like she was bat shit crazy. I couldn't believe what she had just told me. I was finally going to release my full album.

"We apologize for making you wait so long. And as promised, now that you're healed up we will start with your comeback promotions. You will release your full album on December 14th just in time for the end of the year music award shows. Right after that you will be going on your first ever world tour." She continued.

I couldn't believe I was hearing all of this. This was everything that I wanted. I wanted to give my fans everything. Everything that I worked for was going to be worth it once I released my first ever full album. I couldn't wait to tell Lisa about this.

"Oh and one more thing!"

I looked at her with a quirked eyebrow. "On December 20th the day of the music award show, MAMA. You all will be performing on stage. So I need you to practice extra hard for this."

"Wow, this is amazing! Thank you so much!"

"Alright Rosie that's it for today's meeting. I'm going to need you to practice for your stage performances as soon as tomorrow."

"Yes, of course!" I stood up from my seat and headed towards the door with a bright smile on my face.

Stepping into the lobby of YG I quickly pulled out my phone and called Lisa. She was the first person I wanted to tell.

"Babe?" Lisa answered.


"Is something wrong? Why do you sound so happy?" She chuckled.

"No nothing is wrong, and I am happy. I have something to tell you."

"Well what is it?"

"My full album is getting released soon!"

"Woah whatttt? Are you serious? Oh my god Rosie I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you Lisa, but I also have other news to tell you but I can't tell you right now."

"What? Whyyyy?" She whined.

I chuckled. "Because baby, that would ruin the surprise. And I know how much you love surprises" I said in a low tone. I chuckled as I could hear Lisa's voice get caught in her throat when she tried to respond.

"O-oh okay"

"But don't worry I want you to call Jennie and Jisoo and invite them to dinner tonight. I'll tell you all then! And I'm at YG right now could you pick me up?"

"Yes of course baby. I'll be there in five."

"Okay bye Lisa. Drive safely please."

Lisa chuckled. "Don't worry I will. See you soon."

And just like that the call ended, and soon after I was sitting in the car with Lisa.

"Babe, where are we going?"

"Oh right, I forgot. Hmm what are you craving?"

"You should pick. We're celebrating you after all." Lisa really had a talent for sweet talking.

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