When I First Saw Her (1)

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A/N: This my first fan fiction that I've ever written please comment some suggestions on how I can make this story better also feel free to recommend anything that you would like me to include in this story. Anything your heart desires I will try to fulfill it. Thanks for reading this shitty chapter I promise I'll get better I just need more inspiration. #Chaelisa #Blackpink #Rosésolo

It was still early morning when I woke up

"ughhhh" I rolled over to smack my alarm that displayed 5:00 AM

I knew today was a very important day and I couldn't be late, but I just wanted to stay in bed just a bit longer. It was the start of my first day at my entertainment company. For the past year or so I've been working on trying to make myself known as a solo artist to show the world what I was capable of.

Ever since I can remember I was always singing and still now. I love singing. Singing was one way I could express how I was feeling and I would always write my own songs using my piano and guitar.

I quickly got out of bed noticing that I was in my thoughts for a while now and was probably wasting time. I went to the bathroom to get myself ready. I decided to wear something simple but fashionable to work today. I picked out a white crop top with a blue adidas track pants. I smiled contently as I looked in the mirror.

I walked out of my apartment seeing that my manager was waiting downstairs for me. I waved and called out "oppa!"

He turned around and spotted me.

I quickly hopped into the car as I glanced at my watch that I was running late now.

Once we arrived at my brand workplace, I hopped out the car as I stared at the large scary building in front of me. 2 huge letters stared right back at me reading it aloud "YG Entertainment." I took a deep breath in a took a step towards the building. This was my first time here at YG Entertainment. I've always heard of scary stories of the man himself yang hyun suk being the scary CEO but now that he was in jail it made me feel safer being in this building.

YG Entertainment was known for it's well known artists and talented idols. Jennie Kim one of the big solo artist and fashion icon of the company, has made a name for herself internationally. One of her good friends Jisoo Kim was also famous in the company as she was a famous actress acting in amazing korean dramas. And last but not least Lalisa Manoban also known as Lisa. I've never met her in person but everything about her just makes my jaw drop. Her gorgeous body and her amazing dance skills is something that everyone talks about.

Now it may seem that I have a little crush on Lisa but it's nothing romantic. I just respect and idolize the girl big time. Now finally becoming a solo artist at one of the most well known entertainment companies of South Korea was definitely a dream come true. All of my hard work has finally become a reality.

I just pray that my first day won't be terrible.

"Jennnieeeeee, give it back to me" jisoo yelled.

"no no no you've been on your phone for almost the whole day now. You need a break. You're getting your phone back after you invite that girl over there with her guitar to our party tonight.

Jisoo cocked her and saw a girl with blonde wavy hair strumming her guitar sitting down. "hmmmm sure why not" Jisoo said as she galloped her way to Rosé.

"um hi..." Rosé said quietly as she notice a shadow in front of her. She looked up and saw this gorgeous girl with brown hair starring down at her.

"Y-you're Jisoo Kim!"

"Uh yea...." Jisoo chuckled.

"oh my gosh you're THE JISOO KIM! I'm just such a huge fan of your acting and you're beauty is just amazing. You look even better in person." Rosé quickly covered her mouth after realizing what she just said. Both of the girl's faces suddenly turned pink at Rosé's sudden comment.

"sorry..... I uh I'm just really huge fan and I guess I couldn't contain my inner fangirl" I can already feel the heat that was rising to my cheeks oh no she's going to think I'm this crazy weird fan of her now.

"haha It's okay, I'm glad a beautiful girl like you is a fan of me" Jisoo chuckled.

A sudden rush of heat reached Rosé's cheeks. She looked away from the girl who was now sitting beside her.

"So.... I've never seen you here before care to introduce yourself?" Jisoo asked kindly.

"oh yea well my name is Roseanne Park or Park Chaeyoung if you want to know my korean name that is. I was born in New Zealand and raised in Melbourne, Australia and I'm a new solo artist for yg entertainment. Oh and also you can just call me Rosé or Rosie or Chaeng whatever works for you I'm fine with whatever" Rosé said.

"Oh wow coooooll" Jisoo said making me blush even harder. It wasn't everyday where you're idol was talking to you about your past.

"So um my friend Jennie over there" pointing to Jennie as Jennie waved at them "is planning a party tonight to welcome the new year and we would like to ask you if you would like to come?" Jisoo asked.

Oh my gosh! Jisoo Kim and Jennie Kim wants to invite me to their party. Can this day get any better!

"yes of course! I would love to come" I nodded my head making Jisoo chuckle.

"okay then I guess I'll see you tonight" Jisoo winked at me and handed me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

Did Jisoo Kim just winked at me???? And did she just give me her number??? what was going on. This was totally going to be the best night of my life.

****** A FEW HOURS LATER ******

Okay time to make myself look pretty. A little of eyeshadow a little bit of mascara and last but not least red lipstick. I smacked my lips together making sure it wasn't going to smudge. I glanced at phone. It was now 8:00 and I still haven't texted Jisoo to get the address where the party was being held.

I unfolded the piece of paper and texted the number on my phone.

Rosie: Hi it's Rosie

Jisoo: oh Hi Rosie you better be on your way here

Rosie: Well, um you kinda didn't give me the address to the party

Jisoo: Oh right, sorry about that here's the address--> 279 cheonggyecheon-ro it's at a bar called The Griffin Bar

Rosie: Oh cool okay I'll head there now

Jisoo: okay!!! I'll see you later then

After calling an Uber to the bar I walked in observing the surrounding. Everyone around me was either drunk or just grinding on each other on the dance floor. It was when I saw her.

A/N: Thank you everyone who had just finished reading the first chapter to my first ever fan fiction book. The story will continue to develop smoothly and I hope you guys enjoy it. I am open to any suggestions and I read all of your guys's comments, so feel free to comment don't be shy 🙃. And don't forget to stream How You Like That!

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