D-Day (24) [M]

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A/N: So as promised, the questions some of y'all asked in the previous chapter titled "Author's note Q&A for Rosé when I told you guys to leave questions your questions will make an appearance in this chapter and hopefully I did you guys justice! Also, this chapter is a long one. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Btw the picture above is the outfit Rosé will be wearing for most of the chapter ;)

Rosé's POV

Oh my god today was the day. I was lying in bed naked after a very very enjoyable night. It has been two weeks since I was told that my full album was going to get released. Sleeping next to me was my sleepy girlfriend. She was just as naked as I was. I smiled, as I turned towards her.


"I'm right here."

"Good, now come closer and hug me."

"You're so clingy."

"Be honest you like it."

I let out a soft laughter. I couldn't lie, I did. She was so cute when she was clingy. "I do." I said with a smile on my face. I moved closer to her just like she had asked me to. As soon as her breath hit my face I relaxed my head snuggling into the crevasse of her neck. Her head softly placed on top of mine and I felt her breathe in my scent.

"You smell so good." She husked out.

I just chuckled. "You do too."

"So how are you feeling? You know today being your big day and all." She said with a bright smile.

I looked up at her and she tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears, as I answered, "well I know I've been really excited for this day to come but I've also been super nervous you know? Like what if the fans don't like the songs. Oh and god the music video I hope they like it. I was really—"

"Babe, your fans are going to love it trust me! I mean who wouldn't love you."

"Lisa... you're biased."

"No, just because I'm your girlfriend doesn't have anything to do with that. You're really amazing chaeyoung-ah. I mean it. You're so good at what you do, and I'm sure your fans agree with me as well."

Was it possible to love a person so much that your whole being felt like it was on cloud 9 all the time? Because that is exactly how I feel right now. Lisa was selfless, kind, and she always knew what to say at the right time. I stared deep into her brown eyes and leaned in taking in her soft pillow lips. Slowly, my hands went up to hold her naps and let my desire for her take over. It felt so right being her with her on such an important day.

Pulling back, I breathlessly said, "I should probably get up now. The countdown live starts at one in the afternoon and it's already half past eleven."

"No, I don't want you to go. You've still got time. Please stay with me for just a few more minutes." She gave me her best puppy eye stare. Who was I to refuse her request.

"Fine, fine, you're so lucky that I love you." I said snuggling back into the crook in her neck.

"I know." she whispered out.

Maybe I should have said no to Lisa because after snuggling back into her neck I fell asleep again. I quickly jolted up sitting up in bed and pulled my phone from the night stand.

"Oh my god! Lisa wake up! I'm late. Oh my god! She's going to kill me." I said rushing to my closet. I quickly looked through my closet and this moment I felt like I had nothing to wear. Isn't this just great.

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