Trapped (17)

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A/N: This chapter is really long but really important, so it's definitely worth the read! (Also some chaennie content up ahead hehe) 

***Warning this chapter includes blood, violence, and sexual harassment if you're uncomfortable with these things I will tell you when to stop reading and when to continue reading***

Rosé's POV

I was currently at the police station going over the plan one more time.

"Okay, so Miss Park, do you understand?"

"Um yes, I think I get it."

"Alright, in order for us to ensure your safety, we need to plant a tracking device on you. We will put the device in the suitcase so if he does take the money and run we can also track him."

I nodded my head agreeing with what the cops had decided.

"Miss Park this might be a huge risk for you to take so we just want to say thank you."

"Of course." I was calm, cool, and collected on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out. I was scared to face Hyun Suk again. After thinking that I was never going to see him again and that I was going to be safe, he just had to show up in my life again. And this time not only threatening me but Lisa, the love of my life. I just hope that this plan goes well so that I can possibly have the chance to see Lisa again and actually tell her the truth. It didn't matter if she hated me after the way I had treated her poorly. I mean I would avoid me too, but I had to tell her the truth. She deserved it. Even after I had gone through my mind was still occupied by Lalisa Manoban.

"Alright Miss Park you better start heading to the factory now. We only have an hour till ten O' Clock, so we need you to hurry. Here is the mic that you would need to wear on you." Officer Lee said, handing me the microphone device. "This way we can listen to your guys' conversation. Don't you worry Miss Park, he will even get a longer sentence in prison after what threatens you. By listening to your conversation with him later he may reveal more things that may get him more charges. And Roseanne?"

"Yea," I said looking up at officer Lee.

"We need you to keep this a secret. No one else can know about this plan. And here," he said, handing me a knife. I eyed the knife and looked at him. "Just in case if anything goes bad and we're not there in time this should help."

I hesitantly took the knife, placing it in my right boot. I carefully placed the mic on me as I was wearing a flannel to cover it up.

(Imagine this Rosé's outfit for this chapter)

I was nervous and scared and I wanted to tell the one person that I really wanted to be in their arms right now but couldn't

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I was nervous and scared and I wanted to tell the one person that I really wanted to be in their arms right now but couldn't. I sighed, as I tried to think about what I was doing and should I really be hiding this from Lisa. Maybe I should call Jisoo and tell her. I knew I could trust Jisoo and she was that person who I could always go to. I looked for Jisoo's contact and called her. Waiting for her to answer the call after the third ring, but no answer. Was she mad at me for this morning? I was getting really nervous and time was running out soon. I had to leave soon. That was when my phone rang, but it wasn't Jisoo who was calling me. It was Jennie. I raised my brow and answered the phone call.

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