Colours | Gream Soulmate AU

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(In this soulmate AU, you see the world in black and white until you make direct eye contact with your soulmate. Then, in your eyes, they will glow a bright pink and the world will be colourful. If they die, your world is once again colourless, but this time, it's until your last breath)
Grey. That's what the world was to me. That's what the world was until I met him. He was my life, my rainbow. I would die to see him one last time. I would die to see him smile, to see his rosy pink cheeks and navy blue eyes. To laugh, to talk to him one final time. To see him again. To see colour again.
Life is empty without him. Colourless. Blank. I feel that I've moved back to square one, back to the colourless realm of childhood, without a sense of belonging. Only this time, there is no second chance, there is no redemption. My soulmate is dead, and there is nothing I can do. I must accept it, I must accept this colourless fate. I just have to deal with it as I try to imagine colours. As I try to see them once again.

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