Bloodied Knives | Antarctican Empire

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"We're close, we are so much closer than we were 2 months ago. Once we find it, we can leave, we can return to ████████. We can go back to our old lives, the lives stolen from us years ago."

"█████, why do you want this so badly? Why do we need to find it?"

"We need to take down NewFoundland and their royalty. We need to kill Technoblade."

"H-hello?" ██████ asked quietly, blinking open his eyes. He was greeted with silence in return.

Minutes had passed, minutes of silence, then a voice, interrupting it. "Hello, ██████, how are you, my friend?"

"I- I don't know you.."

"Answer the goddamn question." ██████ heard more footsteps approach. Followed by, a bang?

"Uhh.. fine? I'm doing fine." He tried to speak with confidence in his voice, just as the footsteps grew louder and the bangs became more frequent, he was scared. He couldn't deny how scared he was.

As he ran his finger along the blade, ████ smiled. He would kill ██████, he would end █████'s reign of terror, he would end ████████

Everything became silent. It was temporary, only lasting for a few seconds, but it scared ██████. What were they planning?

The silence was interrupted by someone's voice, a new voice. Maybe the person who had just walked over? "Do we really have to do this?"

"Yes ██████, we must." 

██████ was plunged into a world of silence, of darkness. ██████ never heard another voice again.

Every night, ████ still heard █████' screams in his mind.

He still saw the red blood on his dagger, splattered all over his wrist. It wasn't something that'd go away soon, and he knew that.

He accepted it.

Murder comes at a price. 

(As always, thoughts, questions and feedback are appreciated)

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