Unknown | MegaPvP

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(This is the sequel to Rain and Silence, so go read those if you haven't yet)

Sometimes, it feels good to be unknown, it feels good to be unheard and unseen.

Mega had lived his whole life as a shadow, a droplet of rain. An unheard monster as some called him. He did not mind, for t him, being unknown was a good thing, it made him feel safe. It made him feel good, happy..
Mega was never happy in the spotlight, never happy with what he had. Not until he was thrown into the ocean of college and the world beyond. College made him feel unknown, it made him feel free. Free yet forever safe, trapped in his own little bubble, no one could see in, and he could not see out. But this was not sight no, these were his own thoughts, things no one would ever learn. Things only he would ever know.
If felt good to be unknown, for it provided Mega with safety, something he was lacking in his childhood. But this came at a cost, the cost was his uniqueness, what set him apart from his peers. To some, they would not have made this deal, but Mega, he was happy to pay the price. He would pay any price if it meant to be safe, and forever unknown.

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