Bleeding Souls | Antarctican Empire

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"████, do we really have to do it? Do we really have to kill so many innocent people?"

"I know you don't want to, I don't want to either, but we have to. If we want to rise up on top, everyone has to die."

"But to we have to kill them? Do we really have to rise up? We're fine where we currently are, why do we need more? Why do we need to kill to get more?"

"██████, this has been our dream for so long. We can't just throw it away like this."

"I- I just feel bad. Look at how happy they look ████, do we really have to take it away from them?"

"I feel bad too, alright? I was the one who killed ██████, do you think I don't feel guilty? When I see █████ crying because of what I did? When I heard his screams in my head as I try to fall asleep? I see his lifeless eyes, bright blood covering his face, I see it every time I look at my dagger, every fucking time ██████, but we just have to live with it. This won't be the last time we have to kill someone, so we have to learn and deal with it."

"At least I still have a heart, unlike you, ████."

"Your heart is bleeding, your heart is falling apart. It's going to hurt you. You'd be better off like me."



"I know you're broken, we both are. We're both hurt by ██████'s death, but we have to move on alright?"

"He was my best friend. How am I supposed to move on? How am I supposed to just forget him like this? You know what, he wasn't just my best friend. I loved him, ██████. I loved him, and now he's gone. He's dead. Our best friend is dead. We can't just forget him.."

"But we have to. It's not like we're able to revive him or something."

"I-it's just, I can't.."

"I'm here for you █████, we all are. We're gonna get through this together."

I feel like my heart has been torn out of my chest then shattered. I feel broken. My soul is bleeding and there's nothing I can do about it.

(Next 2 chapters will be posted in a span of a few hours, for.. plot purposes. And as always thoughts, questions and feedback are welcome and appreciated.)

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